I encourage every woman to NEVER give up..NEVER give in. Always keep fighting! – IOTW Report

I encourage every woman to NEVER give up..NEVER give in. Always keep fighting!

An Empowered Survivor

WellArmedWoman- To share my story I have to go back and revisit a night of terror that lives only now in my nightmares. It was a night that took away my choices and left me hopeless, as I powerlessly fell into the blinding terror of what happened that cold, dark night, changing everything..

gun women christy survival story

I was fresh out of Law Enforcement training that taught me, unarmed defense tactics, laws of arrest, asp, pepper spray, tazer, along with every control hold and maneuver to defend myself against any threat. But the night of my attack all the training in the world could not save or protect me form the violence of date rape.

It caught me unawares propelling me head on to the fight of my life. I was caught and trapped in a control hold by my rapist, which took away my ability to fight off and defend myself. I kept screaming “NO!!”, but no one heard me in the cold, dark, misty night, especially my attacker.  He was lost somewhere in some unreachable place and the more I fought and screamed, the more violent he became. I stopped screaming and just waited for it to just stop, but it didn’t. All I could feel is pain, terror and loss of empowerment to stop this violent attack upon my body, mind, soul and spirit. A deep shadow of despair began to settle over me, binding me with terror as the hopelessness of being trapped forced me into that defining moment between living and dying.  Through the tears and pain I felt myself dying inside over and over, as I realized that I may never see my children again.  MORE

41 Comments on I encourage every woman to NEVER give up..NEVER give in. Always keep fighting!

  1. I’m not much of a gun dude, but I don’t think she is holding that gun right….I’ll be glad to help her though. At least she knows the value of a weapon!

    A dead attempted rapist is better than a jailed rapist.

  2. Ah fuck it. I’m sick of all these long legged women on FOX, and these lame brained women on the rest of the ABC channels, and their homo affiliates. I’m just sick of it all, even the fucking weather reporters. Sick of it all. Fuck it.

  3. The checkers at my local favorite grocery store know I’m a weapons manufacturer and we usually talk a little guns in between the paper or plastic. Tonight I was asked if I knew where someone could get a deal on a 586. So this little petite trophy wife that was next in line asks if I own a gun store. So I explain the 007 thing and she asks what hand gun I would recommend because she wants to get her carry permit. So I made my recommendation and told her I could recommend a good women trainer. She chased me down in the parking lot for the name and number. Fastest growing market for guns is women

  4. This is the sentence that really got me:
    “I encourage every woman to NEVER give up..NEVER give in. Always keep fighting!”

    Mindset is so important. In the classes I teach, I try to impress upon the students that we are NOT shooting, we are FIGHTING… for our lives or the life/lives of others. “Bulls eye Shooting” is a sport, survival is “fighting.”

    I can’t commend this writer enough for taking a horrible event to make herself so much stronger and maybe someone else that reads her account.

  5. Man, is your sorry ass in a wheel chair bored out of your mind or something? Do you mumble my name in your sleep? Do you boil rabbits in a big ass pot wishing they belonged to me? You’ve got to be the sadest loser I’ve ever run across. Strangely I feel sorry for you. Please get help before you shoot up a movie theatre.

  6. Visiting family at the moment but live in a country where guns are illegal. It makes me very uncomfortable to be in a house alone with a child and not have a firearm. I have weapons stashed around the place, but if someone comes in I know I’m not strong enough to fight. I just want to shoot em in the dick.
    Also I would like to add that there is a government program that sends “ex-offenders” house to house to sell a box full of shit that no one wants. When they show up to our house (once a month) I slam the door in the criminals face and then wonder if they will return for revenge. We also had a problem with gypsys parking in the neighborhood last summer causing problems and I yelled at one of their kids. First thought, “I have nothing to defend myself with”..
    Long story short. Every woman should carry a gun.

  7. Hey Gina, Thank you. I’ve been here for a little while and have on occasion stuck up for people targeted by trolls. You are the only person with enough balls to confront this guy. Doesn’t say much for some of the people here because I never hesitated to jump in when I saw this type of shit. But then again! What ever, your welcome in my Foxhole anytime. I’m gone. By the way my kid made it on the AP for fighting the Kyburz Fire. I swear, that kid could fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling like roses.

  8. I love to shoot my baby Glock at the range, but the weight of it isn’t feasible for CC on my person. I rarely venture out in the evening without DH, so I don’t carry even though I could. After 5 years of looking, I still cannot find the right gun for me to carry.

    I would be totally uncomfortable carrying in a purse and I don’t like revolvers – not enough bullets. Ideas anyone.

  9. Sorry, Brad. 🙁 We bought a horse years ago that had been abused. She would do everything she could to get a beating (the only attention that she knew prior to our time with her until she passed and turned out being a wonderful animal for us and our kids).

    Just can’t give a troll the attention that they are looking for, since any response justifies their post. That’s what they thrive on, negative attention.

    ‘Course gotta say, the pos(t)er reminds me of a joke about a little 8″ “prick” on a guys shoulder in a bar that kept jumping down and kicking everyone’s drinks off of the bar….

  10. If you can – get a Doberman. A nice one, not a junkyard badly bred dog. You will ALWAYS feel safe, and you will have the time you need to respond appropriately if anything goes wonky.
    Even with – *protection* – up the wazzu, I felt MUCH safer when I had my dog.
    Without him I lean on security bars for the doors, alarms and more, er, interactive protection – but … I still don’t have that buffer that I counted on for so long. Not to mention the wonderful companionship. 🙂
    Perhaps you could even train the Dobe to BITE someone in the dick, as they are very intelligent.

  11. PJ, there is an old saying about beware of the ‘man’ who only has one firearm… because he probably knows who to shoot it well. But, I agree with you on the purse thing.

    I don’t recommend firearms, because they are like tailor-made cowboy boots suite, or gloves. There are LCP 9mm, .380’s, Kimber in the same calibers, etc…

    Look at what you can and remember that no matter what you carry, you should be proficient in it’s application (and no matter the caliber). I carry a 7 shot, .45 caliber with additional magazines (on and off duty). My wife can’t. She is comfortable with her 5 shot, J Frame revolver, S&W. She can hit a gnat on a gnat’s ass with that 2″ and better than I wish I could!

  12. I do agree that women should be armed in this crazy world. Honest women anyway. But get some gun training. If this gal was shooting until her “hands were bleeding and raw”, either she’s not holding the weapon properly or she has one that is in need of some serious attention.

    My .357mag used to hurt like hell when it had the standard wood police grips on it, before I installed Pachmeyers. But no gun ever made my hands bloody or raw. That should never happen even if you shoot all day long.

  13. Bad Brad’s Little Dick, I don’t know where you went. I tried to find you after you bit me on the tit, I farted and flew out of the window. I have a patch kit, but you never tried to find me.

  14. Don’t forget the extra set of ears they have – early warning system.

    My girl is long in the tooth and has cataracts. But she sees and hears enough to tell me whenever something or someone is near the house.

  15. I have a beautiful 5 shot .38 Smith &Wesson special ctg, which I got from a a beautiful lieutenant who left the police to become a nun. Lovely lady. I have never fired it in anger. But I always have it close by, just in case.

  16. Plain Jane, there are plenty of nice lightweight revolvers that hold 5, 6 or 7 rounds. A revolver with 5 rounds is a helluva better than zero rounds. S&W makes several that are under 20 ozs fully loaded. The Ruger LCR is a nice revolver with a very decent trigger. Quit screwing around and get yourself a gun.

  17. Hear, hear! I anguished over an automatic, an LCP or a BodyGuard, but the safety, the laser…. the risk of jam was all too complicated. Hell, the whole gun was too complicated — and it took two thumbs and a lot of strength to get the safety off!

    So, I took my old S&W .38 airweight out of the BR drawer and carry it. If I need it, it will not fail me, ever. (And it fits in a very small, compartmentalized purse, barrel down, handle ready to grab.)

    Go, ladies! This is important. God willing, you might even save an unarmed Marine recruiter one day. …and The Bastard never, ever, even saw *you* as a threat. ….smile…. ….Lady in Red

  18. Plain Jane….. Look at the S&W .38 airweight. Years ago, I carried a speed reloader with it, but hated the extra weight and, then, one day, I thought: “I will probably never need this gun, but — if I do — five bullets should be plenty.”

    Just be careful with your aim. ….Lady in Red

  19. TY Lady in Red. I’m a good shot, but so love lots of ammo. 🙂 It probably goes back to my ethnic background of making sure I have way more than enough food prepared to feed the company – and then send some home with them. 🙂

    I will look at the S&W .38 airweight. I really appreciate that idea.

  20. TY Big Gun. I appreciate that info. Last year I ran into a salesman at Cabelas who wast going to start up independent classes and would meet me at the range for classes. He had a myriad of his own personal guns and said he would work with me to find the right gun. Soon after that I took a horrible fall and other life issues interfered so I couldn’t pursue that option. Hopefully I can track him down again. Am thinking I should re-think my comfort zone with a revolver also. DH is eager to get me anything I’m comfortable with and can handle as well as my 26.

  21. My wife has a 5-shot Taurus Model 85 in SS.
    Light, hollow points, don’t have to clean it often, good for close and personal stuff.
    She has problems cycling semi-autos.
    Even the Walther PPK.

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