I Guess I Have To Post This – IOTW Report

I Guess I Have To Post This

Update: I was talking about this post and I said, “I imagined Rubio to be pudgy during his college aged years, not like that dancing dude in the picture.”  So I looked it up.

Uh oh.   College Picture.

UPDATE 2: It gets a bit worse.

Rubio was arrested in Miami for hanging out in a park after hours, a place that was notorious for gay hook-ups. He was arrested with a guy named Angel Barrios. Barrios was later arrested for running an online gay porn site.

All’s fair, I guess. As a personal friend of Larry Sinclair I shouldn’t spike this story.

I was not aware of “Rubio gay rumors,” but apparently this is something that’s been floating around for awhile.

I remember receiving email tips about this and I ignored them thinking it was just someone with a need to sink Rubio with innuendo.

But today was the third time so I clicked the story.

Okay, here it is —-> 

Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 2.55.49 PM

It’s something about “foam parties, and being arrested at a notorious gay cruising site.”

Make your own judgment.

HT/ rob e.

35 Comments on I Guess I Have To Post This

  1. If Rubio is gay or bicentennial (“not that there’s anything wrong with that”), at this point I really don’t give a shit. The Leftist media deliberately ignored solid verifiable reports of Obama’s notorious gayness in Chicago gay clubs but did nothing to follow up on it, just so they could atone for their Liberal White Guilt and help him steal the elections in 08 and 12.

    So whether or not you like Rubio or not (I don’t), if the Leftists attack Rubio for this, I say we push back hard and tell them “Fuck You, your guy got a pass in 08 & 12 so our guy gets a pass now, you double-standard hypocrite fucktards.”

    Disgraced ex-Governor of Louisiana Edwin Edwards once famously said, “The only way a Democratic(sic) politician can get hurt by a scandal (in the Leftist media) is if he’s caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.”

    It’s high time we say Fuck You to the Leftist Media Establishment and level the playing field.

  2. it could’ve been photoshopped.
    what we do know is rubio is the establishment puppet.

    we also know that pedophilia, homosexuality and sex trafficking is rampant in d.c.

    blackmail is the name of the game in swillville otherwise known
    as d.c.

  3. Well, he sure did bend over quickly for John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Michael Bennet, and Bob Menendez.

    (The Gang of Eight)

    Then Christy screwed the rube by endorsing trump.

  4. Being gay does not bother me in the least. I have quite a few gay friends, and they are all conservatives. I have issues with gays when they demand special treatment, not their sexuality. My main issue with with Rubio is his amnesty position.

    Foam parties in college? So.

  5. I’m confused. It was a month ago that sites were posting all about Marco’s (alleged) multiple affairs with women.
    What’s next? Courting the Moslem vote with rumors of wild sheep and goat parties?

  6. Liberals are o.k. with all sorts of sexual perversions, except when committed by Republicans or conservatives. How many women have claimed Bill Clinton sexually assaulted them? Liberals promote the gay lifestyle. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is honored for being brave when really he/she is just fucked up. But have Anita Hill accuse Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment (really – as the number 2 person at the EEOC, Hill didn’t know if she was being harassed?), then liberals go bananas.

  7. Cuban Crime Of Passion
    Jimmy Buffett

    Well now Billy Voltaire was a Piano player, up from Miami way.
    He used to play in the bars, he could should like the stars,
    And the Lady’s would pay and pay.
    Well one night, he did wind up
    Playin’ in Havana town.
    And nobody knew, least Billy Voltaire that these were his final sounds
    He met up with Marita, a dancer in from the coast.
    Half woman, half child, she drove him half wild
    He loved that lady the most.
    Well one night, he did find her
    In the arms of Shrimper Dan
    So Billy pulled out a knife, took poor Danny’s life,
    And then he turned his own cold hand.
    It’s just a Cuban crime of passion,
    Messy and old fashioned.
    Yeah, that’s what the papers did say.
    It’s just a Cuban crime of passion,
    Anjejo and knives a slashin’.
    Yeah but that’s what the people like to read about,
    Up in America, up in America.
    Well they never found Marita,
    Some people say she got ill.
    Billy Voltaire had no one to claim him,
    He was buried on pauper’s hill.
    And no one talks about ’em no more,
    It happned just a week ago.
    But people get by and people get high,
    In the tropics, they come in they go.

  8. I don’t think its him.
    To me he whole park thing is baloney.
    I’m a Trump guy but Rubio has enough stuff to go after without this.
    I cast a jaundiced eye on this Yellow Journalism

  9. Embezzling via the company credit card is more troublesome. Had one of his voters got caught doing the same thing, they probably would have gone to jail. They’d certainly have a criminal record as a result.

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