I kinda like this tough talkin’ Trump supportin’ broad – IOTW Report

I kinda like this tough talkin’ Trump supportin’ broad

video below the despicable Susan “dirty” Rice

27 Comments on I kinda like this tough talkin’ Trump supportin’ broad

  1. Kinda like? I love her. She’s got more balls than every republican in federal, state and local government.

    Okay, okay, she’s a little rough around the edges, but we need a buzz saw, not a butter knife.

  2. Twatter is a disgusting fetid shithole… but she did a good job.

    Just don’t read the fucktard comments.

    This is why I left Facefuck over a year ago. I was banned every time I shit on a fucktard.

  3. Now I know why the South lost the Civil War…

    “Don’t you f—kin’ come home, m ——rf——-r, until you KICK THOSE f—kin’ rebel ASSES!!! ARE WE CLEAR???”


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