I shopped early for Christmas – IOTW Report

I shopped early for Christmas

I’m sending this to Hillary and Huma


8 Comments on I shopped early for Christmas

  1. The Manderin boys saw this tonight as I was scrolling. And it happened so fast! The Son Of BigFurHat was sounding it out (as you meant it to sound) and said, “I don’t get it.”

    One day I’m certain he will. 😉

  2. Clever, very clever. I don’t know if Dr. Seuss would approve or not but it is funny. I could just see this on a SNL parody of Wheel Of Fortune, “I”ll buy a vowel Pat, I’d like to buy a U please”, and see the reaction of the audience. My own personal opinion neither Hillary or Huma are worth one red CENT. And if you CAN’T get the humor in this there is something wrong with you.

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