I thought this was what the TEA Party was all about – IOTW Report

I thought this was what the TEA Party was all about

By the way, where is the TEA party?

 Christian Mercenary

We have to rise above our representatives, our senators and our presidents to demand a redress of grievances. It is our duty to do so.  Never before has it been so clearly the responsibility of the individual to take matters in one’s own hands and rectify the faulty and treasonous actions of our government.

Yes, before they take your money; before they subjugate you to other nations; before they enslave you to pay for the excesses of their waste.

I am about to be arrested for failure to pay taxes. I refuse to pay taxes to a nation so corrupt, so wasteful, so willing to take my hard-earned income and give it to illegal immigrants, who have not paid a single penny to federal or state taxes, that my conscience can no longer tolerate this hypocrisy where good citizens of this nation are treated as criminals in order to support the actual criminals who kill innocent citizens of this nation. I can no longer support this criminal organization functioning as a government of the people.


The government can absorb a few Galts as they come down the pike. How many Galts does it take before the government sits up and takes notice? 50,000? 100,000? 250,000?

ht/ Mary From Marin


13 Comments on I thought this was what the TEA Party was all about

  1. Yes. I’ve wanted to tell Billy for years that I am trying to get away with as much as I can. It’s hard when it’s taken from you before you even see it. But I didn’t want to say that out loud and tip off anyone reading these comments who would then tell the IRS.

    Oh, shit.

    Ahhh, just kidding! heh heh heh

    * runs away *

  2. Dude I’ve been there, they just put a lean on all your shit. They fucked up not me and it cost me a small fortune proving it. That guy claiming they were coming to arrest him is ALL bull shit. They just try and take your stuff. The digital things going to get a LOT worse. Not to mention we are off any standard that legitimizes the value of a dollar. They just print more. We’re fucked

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