ICYMI: Latest Twitter Dump Implicates Other Agencies in FBI Led Censorship Operation – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Latest Twitter Dump Implicates Other Agencies in FBI Led Censorship Operation

Breitbart Tech

The CIA was among a number of security state agencies, including the State Department and the Pentagon, involved in censorship at Twitter, according to the ninth tranche of Twitter Files released by Elon Musk, via journalist Matt Taibbi.

Following the bizarre statement released by the FBI, calling the Twitter Files reporting “misinformation” spread by “conspiracy theorists” with the “sole purpose of discrediting the agency,” Taibbi posted a new tranche revealing much more widespread government involvement in censorship than previously known — adding, “Why stop with one [agency]?” Pursue

10 Comments on ICYMI: Latest Twitter Dump Implicates Other Agencies in FBI Led Censorship Operation

  1. Did anyone watch the five on fox?

    44. LOL’D

    Jimmy Failla is a turd and Dana Perino brought that one in.
    Just like Kinzinger, The can’t remember his name chuckle dummy that guffawd and oh shucksed a lot, probably that Luntz Duntz too.

    Geraldo – what a Boat Towing Money Grubbing Turd that one has been exposed for bieng.

    Jesse Watters decided to get the F out of that sh#thole.

    Tuckers and Watters and an occasional Gutfeld when all the trannys aren’t on. That’s about all the use I got for Fox News.

    Anybody watching Kevin Costner pretend to be a Patriot on Fox is exactly the type of fool whose money will be parted, one way or another. Even if they call it Free.

  2. Well, what about FaceBook, all other social media, Blogs, the major television networks, Newspapers AND Journalists did the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, Dept. of State or other federal Agencies encouraged or paid to shut down freedom of Speech?

    The rabbit Hole is MUCH Deeper than Twitter !!!
    People Want to know How DEEP the Rabbit Hole goes !

  3. While watching Watters World on Fox tonight and then Tucker Too I learned something new.

    I learned how not to have to watch double or triple repeats of Tow Boating over Potholes and Chains of Fire during icey cold snaps cross country touring.

    I just read instead.


  4. Gummerment censorship a necessary evil especially against all those big bad white supremists the greatest threat to America. You got Twitter, count your blessings. How deep the rabbit hole? You don’t wanna find out.

  5. Gummerment censorship a necessary evil especially against all those big bad white supremists the greatest threat to America. You got Twitter, count your blessings. How deep the rabbit hole? You don’t wanna find out.

  6. it’s interesting to watch the FIB claim that it’s all conspiracy theorists when in fact the clowns were the ones that came up with the term to discredit the truth.
    I’m rooting for the whistleblowers, come on and man up do the right thing for the country.

  7. Each and every government employee involved is PERSONALLY LIABLE for civil damages. This is a civil rights violation and the normal immunity from personal liability doesn’t cover civil rights violations.

    Elected or appointed, it matters not. They own this and are personally liable for damages.

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