Idiot CNN Anchor Desperately Tries To Tie Hurricane To His Undying Faith – IOTW Report

Idiot CNN Anchor Desperately Tries To Tie Hurricane To His Undying Faith

“Please Mr. Scientist, confirm my idiotic bias and tell me the hurricane is the result of global warming. I need this. My listeners need this.” – Dip Made of Feces Anchoring CNN Broadcast.

My name is John Boorman. I’m paid to deliver an orthodoxy. I have trouble with complex things, like holding the hair dryer, hair spray and brush all at the same time.

The Blaze-

A CNN anchor tried to push a climate change narrative on live air Friday while talking to a scientist about Hurricane Harvey, but the scientist was had none of it.

The exchange

CNN anchor John Berman was talking with Bill Read, the former director of the National Hurricane Center, on Friday when he asked if the intense hurricane that was bearing down on Texas was a result of climate change.

“Is there a why to this? Why there is so much water associated with this storm?” Berman asked. “One thing we heard from scientists over the last 10 years is that climate change does impact the intensity of many of the storms that we see.”

Read responded: “I’m not — I’m probably wouldn’t attribute what we’re looking at here. This is not an uncommon occurrence to see storms grow and intensify rapidly in the western Gulf of Mexico. That’s as long as we’ve been tracking them, that has occurred. The why for the big rain is the stationarity. That fact that the storm is going to come inland and not move…while it has happened in some cases, to have a really big storm come and stall like this is really rare.”

12 Comments on Idiot CNN Anchor Desperately Tries To Tie Hurricane To His Undying Faith

  1. Dimbulb News Copy Reader: “This hurricane is evidence of man made climate change, right?”

    Actual Meteorologist with a PhD and everything: “Um, no, hurricanes always happen sooner or later in the Gulf of Mexico.”

    Dimbulb News Copy Reader: “How long have you been a white supremacist?”

  2. Just like the eclipse showed us that Trump has brought darkness and divided the USA, the hurricane is the Earth’s way of demanding Trump’s impeachment. It is showing us that we must submerge the racist states once and for all, and blow away the edifices of oppressive history from the land.

  3. It gets worse. There will be another total solar eclipse over the USA in 2024. This can only mean the relection of Trump in 2020. Get ready for the great meltdown and start stocking ammo.

  4. Trump did it so he could send FEMA in to “maga” Houston.

    In actuality – our prayers and hopes to those at peril – may the skies dry up, the water recede, and people return to the safety and sanctity of their own homes with little damage and loss of life.

  5. These stupid news people today all fancy themselves as prosecuting attorneys. they don’t let interviewees talk; rather, they interrogate them and ask leading questions and try to get them to trip over themselves. It’s incredibly annoying and I unplugged on this crap years ago.

  6. I remember Al Shart-a-ton asking a scientist at some table being interviewed if Katrina was due to Global Warming – yes it was before they stopped calling it that.

    The look of WTF on the scientist’s face was priceless. “Uhhh. no!”

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