Idiot Featured on MSNBC Can’t Pull Herself Out of a Spin – IOTW Report

Idiot Featured on MSNBC Can’t Pull Herself Out of a Spin

Red State

She’s [Heidi Pryzbala] ascribing a term to “Christians” and then declaring they aren’t “Christians” because she says so, that they’re “Christian nationalists”–which seems to be an attempt to make them sound frightening/dangerous.

But perhaps more importantly, what ties the “Christian Nationalists” together is apparently believing that our rights don’t come from any earthly authority, they come from God. 

But that’s one of the founding principles of our nation, that we have rights from our Creator. And even if we don’t believe in a Creator, that we have natural rights by virtue of our birth, not given to us by the government and so cannot be taken away by the government, even if Democrats seem to think they can be. 

26 Comments on Idiot Featured on MSNBC Can’t Pull Herself Out of a Spin

  1. This is strategic in nature. It’s no small deal or the ramblings of an air head. You need to categorize and label groups before you wage war on them hoping to eventually send them off to the gas chambers. I guess she could just referred to us as Americans.


    DO I CARE????

    YAWN 😴

  3. These are the same people who lump all Muslims together, so when you point out a jihadist they rush to protect all of them. Which is how you get all of the Arab pedophiles and rapists running free – which isn’t every Arab, but every Arab gets to live under the protective aura.

  4. The U.S. Constitution is so well worded that even ‘most’ cavemen can understand it.

    Your failure to completely understand the U.S. Constitution is an admission of the failure of education on your part, whether that laziness is directly your fault or the lack of oversight on behalf of the ‘educational system’ itself is NOT our problem.

  5. And even if we don’t believe in a Creator, that we have natural rights by virtue of our birth, not given to us by the government and so cannot be taken away by the government, even if Democrats seem to think they can be.

    Quite right. Rights inhere to our nature as human beings. For us Believers, it goes like this:

    God → Human Nature → Rights

    Even if you take God out of the picture (bad mistake) rights still come from our nature and not from a human authority.

  6. it’s great how DJT and every other American speaker points out the loser media as they stand in the back of auditoriums with their fingers up their noses like transvestites in an Amsterdam storefront. Where will they stand when the FCC licenses are pulled

  7. “28 Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.

    29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
    Acts 5:28-29

  8. “She says that if you believe that your rights come from God, you aren’t a Christian, you are a Christian nationalist.”

    The Left has found a new buzz-word to denigrate Christians with: Christian Nationalists.
    Attaching the word “Nationalist” is the new broad brush of evil they are using to paint Christians with. Pretty ironic coming from this National Socialist Party apparat-chik!

  9. “Christian Nationalists” are like Bigfoot: Some alleged sightings in the wild, a couple of fuzzy photos, but none have ever been caught. And not more than a few obvious fakes.

    She’s just laying the groundwork for the coming government presentation of Real Christian Identi——-I mean, Real Christian Nationalists. Probably in some sleepy town square, or on the fringes of a Trump Rally, but the national media will somehow be there, and the fed strawmen will have their day.

    Or night, most likely, for the sake of the torches. It’s clumsy, crude agitprop, but it’s one of their tools, and they like to use it.

    Though it is strange how nobody ever heard of Christian Nationalism until the 2024 Presidential Campaign.


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