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Obama Tries To Malign Trump On Voter Fraud, TURNS INTO STUTTERING MESS (VIDEO)


AmericanLookout: Wow!

Without a teleprompter, Obama turns into a stuttering mess. 

Today Obama tried to deflect from the growing evidence of voter fraud.

As we reported before, a television station in Denver found dead people on the voter rolls. And an election expert recently noted that over 4 million people on voter rolls are ineligible or dead.

But Obama doesn’t want you to look at that kind of evidence. Instead, he’d rather spend his time maligning Trump.

SNIP: Which reminds me…

18 Comments on if, if, if, if, if, if

  1. I bookmarked it. Will watch is several times a day. I just start smiling from the inside out!

    I don’t know if Trump doing the bing bong thing was intended to show that he resides rent free in Obama’s head, but that’s what I see!

  2. Well I’m not saying how I know, but I do know, you press a mutha fxcker hard enough and his speech patterns change as well as his facial expressions.
    First bead of sweat, first unusual facial expression, first change in speech pattern, you know that you own them.
    No matter what, Trump owns the communist Halfrican.

  3. Jerry, in the long run, family might be more important. Don’t get me wrong, just quit talking about it to him. Dealing with sorta of the same thing with a sister in law and my wife, her sister. The wife is going for her throat. I’m like a referee in a Mike Tyson ear biting competition. Freaken woman is mean.

  4. I recall my former boss, an African American female, very intelligent, and a friend of mine in 2008 chatting with me several times to support Obama. I asked why should i? she said because he will be the first black man to ever be elected Prezzy. I told her, with due respect, that is not a qualification for the office of POTUS. He had no relative experience, he had no traceable history, no credentials such as birth certificate, educational transcripts, experience in successful track record of governance, nothing other than being black. I refused to vote for him. Twice. I was right,and she was wrong. I wonder what she thinks of it now? Even though John McCain was a wasted vote, as was Mittens Romney, i stuck by my principles of standard for office. I will proudly vote for Donald J Trump.

  5. @Anonymous — Well, that’s a different angle. I thought his obviously rattled response was because he’s about to get caught (with hard evidence) facilitating vote fraud because of his connections with Creamer and others, his direct connections to Killery’s private server (‘shadow’ gov’t) and some other things that will, we hope, show up on the list of charges made against him by Trump’s special prosecutor.

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