If October Election Were Held Today, Trudeau Would Lose Power – IOTW Report

If October Election Were Held Today, Trudeau Would Lose Power


…six months ahead of an October election, polls suggest the 47-year-old politician with the broad smile and a penchant for colorful socks could become the first prime minister to lose power after a single majority mandate since the 1930s.

Trudeau is mired in a relentless scandal over alleged interference in a corporate corruption case that has led to the resignations of two Cabinet members, his top advisor and the head of the federal civil service.

The ruling Liberals have lost 6 percentage points since the start of the year, ceding the lead to the rival Conservatives, according to a Nanos Research poll published on Tuesday.

If an election were held now, the Conservatives would win 34.9 percent of the vote, the Liberals 32.8 percent and the left-leaning New Democratic Party 16.6 percent. The poll suggests the result would be deadlock or a fragile minority government.

“Justin Trudeau was standing on thin ice at the end of last year, and then somebody handed him an anvil and crash, the ice broke,” Bricker said.


6 Comments on If October Election Were Held Today, Trudeau Would Lose Power

  1. The problem with a minority government (and we’ve had a number of them both Provincially and Federally) is that the two parties most likely to form one would be the Liberals and the NDP (New Democrat Party aka socialist lite). Between the two of them they expand government, increase handouts, add social programs, add laws giving extra rights to minorities and groups like LGBT (calling them protections that are not afforded to the majority), cut defense spending and run up eye-watering deficits. Generally in these types of government the NDP holds the whip hand and the Liberals will do whatever the NDP demands want because the Libs are desperate to remain in power.

  2. What a pathetic excuse for a national leader of a first world. Obama was worse, but the scan was too well hidden, until he got off the teleprompter.

    Trudeau is an idiot. So is obama. But trudeau has not committed treason. Obama has.

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