If Only Hillary Wasn’t a Lesbian… – IOTW Report

If Only Hillary Wasn’t a Lesbian…

Which senator was well on his way to getting, errr, lucky(?) with Hillary when she accepted a drinking game challenge with the longtime democrat. (Don’t even start to correct me, he’s a DEMOCRAT!)


The Hill– “I haven’t been in many [drinking contests], but the most famous one, I suppose is the one I engaged in with Sen. John McCain when he and I were on a congressional delegation and he kind of challenged me,” Clinton said in a video posted on her Facebook page Thursday.

“We have our political differences, but we sat there drinking vodka.”

Clinton said that no winner was declared – that both contestants agreed to pull out before things got out of control.

“We both I think agreed to withdraw in honorable fashion I think after having reached the limits that either of us should have had,” she said.

ht/ NM

28 Comments on If Only Hillary Wasn’t a Lesbian…

  1. Why do I always hear Shaggy and Scooby when it comes to Hllary…”ruh-roh…wry wrhigk whe’s a wresbian…whrehhhehhheeehehhheee.” “Well Scoob my pal, I think you’re right!”

  2. Seriously, you are such a renowned drunk, but also such a renowned liar, that nobody believes you, even when you tell a drinking story. Now, if you’d said that you’d been doing shots with Webb Hubbell, I might believe you.

  3. Right on the money!

    She isn’t an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings and try to accept responsibility and get sober. Drunks just drink, lie, obfuscate, blame and deflect.

    So, which of these fits Hitlery’s M.O.?

  4. OK got it. My fault…switched to Pale Moon and scripts were turned off, which won’t allow the reply function to work…unless you want your reply as its own post.

  5. If you ‘disagree that they don’t share the same political views”, does that mean you agree that they do share the same political views? ….. he said inquiringly… 😉

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