If there’s one person who should never shut up, it’s Chelsea Clinton – IOTW Report

If there’s one person who should never shut up, it’s Chelsea Clinton

Patriot Retort: Well, Cosmopolitan is super upset that so many people are attacking the ubiquitous Chelsea Clinton.

“How Dare Chelsea Clinton, a Well-Educated, Accomplished Woman, Share Her Opinions.”

I don’t know, Cosmo.

But I kinda like the fact that Chelsea won’t shut up.

You see, Chelsea suffers from the Hillary Effect. Like her mother, the more we see and hear of her, the less we like her.

It must be something in the Rodham genes.

Nobody wants Chelsea to stop sharing her opinions because, let’s face it, every time she does, she makes a complete knob of herself.

In fact, I’d venture to say making an idiot of herself on a regular basis is Chelsea’s one and only accomplishment.

Run a search at Twitchy.com for “Chelsea Clinton” and just see the results you get back.

Her tweets are an endless source of entertainment mostly because she excels at blundering into a topic and getting tripped up by her own ineptitude.  more here

18 Comments on If there’s one person who should never shut up, it’s Chelsea Clinton

  1. My uncle was in the same grade school class as my US Representative. My uncle always wonders how the stupidest kid in the class ended up elected to Congress.
    I want to know what Chelsea’s classmates think of her.

  2. The best quote I have seen regarding Chulsie comes from Doug Band:

    “She is acting like a spoiled brat kid who has nothing else to do but create issues to justify what she’s doing because she, as she has said, hasn’t found her way and has a lack of focus in her life.”

    Nobody who worked with her in the past wants to work with her in the future. She is a dullard with no charm, and everybody knows it.

  3. That’s why NYers will elect her to the Senate. That way, they’ll only have to be with her/see her once every 6 years. For the rest of her and their lives. Like most Senators.

  4. Given that hellary doesn’t have a taste for sausage, I think the “baster” was somehow contaminated when they squirted hellary jr. in there…..or bubba already had the VD when he made the contribution.

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