If You Don’t Want Sex With A He-She You’re “Transphobic” – IOTW Report

If You Don’t Want Sex With A He-She You’re “Transphobic”

American tourist claims he was held captive and sexually assaulted by his transexual Airbnb host in Spain

  • Jacob Lopez, 19, claims the assault happened on July 4 in Madrid, Spain
  • He was being hosted by someone who was born male but lives as a female
  • Claims host pressured him to engage in a sexual act or face consequences
  • Believed host had a weapon so Lopez ‘chose not to try to fight his way out’
  • Host claimed what happened was consensual and Lopez is transphobic

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A couple of things here.

The story could be exactly how the accuser is painting it, which would make the charge, or notion, of “transphobic” ridiculous.

But what if the story is about a dude who was “curious” and then later regretted what he’d done?


Didn’t the tranny commit rape? We’ve been educated by the feminists about “gray rape,” (sex you feel uncomfortable with afterward.)

Isn’t this a classic case?

18 Comments on If You Don’t Want Sex With A He-She You’re “Transphobic”

  1. Right, if he/she was in the kitchen rattling around the knife drawer then the guy should have walked out the front door and over to the nearest cops who would have at least come back with him to get his stuff. I’m sure the cops would have taken him to a cheap hotel where he could stay for a few days while he got organized. I suspect it was consensual until the cold light of dawn then it became a sex assault.

  2. When everyone is phobic, then no one is phobic.

    However, I have a problem with the ‘tards using the word fear to mean hate. Every time the ‘tards try and saddle the intelligent people with the moniker of hate, they always say “phobic” instead. It really makes the ‘tards sound…well…retarded.

    The “word” homophobia means fear of the same. It does not mean homosexual hater. Homo is a Greek word meaning same. So by all definitions, homophobia mean “fear of the same.” Same what? If the ‘tards want it to mean same sex then the word would be “homosexualphobia.” But that still means fear and not hate. The Greek word for hate is “misia.” (MIS-ee-uh) So, to mean homosexual hater the correct words borrowed Greek would be homosexualmisia.

    It is interesting how the democrat party, which claims it is the most intelligent political party, is made up of people that don’t even know the meanings of the words they speak.

    Post Script — If the term homo in homophobia means homosexual, does that mean it is now approved to call all homosexuals “homos?” Must be.

  3. Right on! It is interesting to note however that 98% of the world’s population is straight but the 2% crooked now rule. 98% of the world’s population is normal, but the 2% abnormals now rule. That 98% of the world’s population has some regular values but the 2% perverts rule! The degenerates apparently now exercise some type of power to the nth degree over everyone else!

  4. I ain’t gettin it.

    Did the he/she fuck him in the ass or suck his dick?
    Or did he suck the he/she’s dick or fuck it in the ass?

    I’m not seein the “arousal” part of it.

  5. I call shenanigans.
    He had the address, how else did he get there?
    He couldn’t text?
    A chair thrown out the window and screams of bloody murder will alert authorities, better than calling Mom
    An end table beats a knife in a brawl
    On the fourth floor? Kick the water supply valve for the toilet off the wall,
    This punk had the Eww factor kick in after he was sober.

  6. Let’s see, 4th floor window, you suspect Spiderman was locked in? It isn’t modern America, If you have never been to Spain, I guess being ignorant is an excuse.
    Old doors have locks with keyholes on both sides.
    “I suspect” your life experiences are all in the suburbs with cheap doors made out of paper, you can be excused for ignorance.
    Brush up on your reading comprehension Shreck, keeps you from sounding so foolish.
    Sherlock Holmes you ain’t.

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