IG: 100% error rate for Obama’s ICE screening illegal immigrants for ties to terrorism – IOTW Report

IG: 100% error rate for Obama’s ICE screening illegal immigrants for ties to terrorism

American Thinker: Once again, an Inspector General has come to the rescue identifying incompetence (the charitable interpretation) in the federal bureaucracy. Elizabeth Harrington of The Free Beacon reports on the stunning level of error in the screening of illegal immigrants released from custody by ICE agents toward the end of Obama’s presidency:

The office of inspector general found that between 2013 and 2015, ICE was not screening illegal immigrants who had been released for terrorist ties. Every single case of a suspected terrorist reviewed by the inspector general included errors, where ICE officials were not in compliance with security standards.

“ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) faces challenges in implementing the Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounter Protocol (KSTEP) screening process, which is used to identify aliens who may be known or suspected terrorists,” the inspector general said.  “Although ERO uses KSTEP to screen all aliens who are in ICE custody, ERO policy does not require continued screening of the approximately 2.37 million aliens when released and under ICE supervision.”

The problem, even by ICE’s own admission, is systemic: more

7 Comments on IG: 100% error rate for Obama’s ICE screening illegal immigrants for ties to terrorism


    I.G. will suddenly be found to be incompetent.
    I.G. will have a woman step forward saying he groped her.

    No one criticizes a democrat w/o punishment.

  2. I doubt it was an error, meaning a mistake due to incompetence. In the Obama administration it was done on purpose. Orders from the the WH or just assumption that is what they wanted done. Either that or the WH purposefully filled ICE with incompetent people knowing the errors would happen and accomplish Obama’s plan.

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