Illinois: Meet Jesse Sullivan. The Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Who Founded a Left-Wing ‘Social Justice’ Magazine – IOTW Report

Illinois: Meet Jesse Sullivan. The Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Who Founded a Left-Wing ‘Social Justice’ Magazine

WFB – A venture capitalist running in Illinois’s Republican gubernatorial primary is a relative newcomer to the right. Fifteen years ago, Jesse Sullivan founded a self-described “social justice” magazine that has defended riots and abortion.

Sullivan, a political neophyte who ran a San Francisco-based nonprofit before launching his gubernatorial bid in early September, founded the magazine One World in 2006 while a student at St. Louis University. The publication had financial support from left-wing groups like the Center for American Progress, whose Goal Was To “counter the growing influence of right-wing groups on campus.” In the years that followed, One World published articles Dismissing riots in Ferguson, Mo., as the work of “a few troublemakers” amid “an entire crowd.” Four years later, in 2018, the magazine Expressed Support for the “legal right to choose” to have an abortion.

As the state’s gubernatorial primary heats up—three other Republicans have already announced their candidacy, with state senator Darren Bailey considered an early favorite—Sullivan is distancing himself from the magazine as he charts a campaign whose centerpieces include public safety and the right to life. more here

21 Comments on Illinois: Meet Jesse Sullivan. The Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Who Founded a Left-Wing ‘Social Justice’ Magazine

  1. I think 2022 is going to be rife with GOP candidates who aren’t just RINOs but leftists in disguise. Kinda like if Joek ran as a Republican. It will be a challenge for the average voter to weed them out.

  2. Every time I hear or read someone stating that we need to take the high road, I know that we’re getting closer to our demise.

    We better learn to fight fire with fire and damned quick.

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” – Barack Obama, 2008

    Are we going to learn from that?

  3. This guy. Oz
    Definite pattern.
    We know now they can’t fool us if we do just a bit of digging.
    Start early though.
    As soon as they announce their social media will start being scrubbed.

  4. Somehow he just doesn’t fit in with the conservative constitutional directives we have for the USA. He has amassed $11 million for campaign expenses and developed his roots in California just like JB Pritzker. Petersburg is a typical po-dunk democratic town just like nearly all small towns in Illinois. They vote democrat and embrace the evil that gives them a few pennies under the thousands of dollars they take from these ignorant people. The only reason he is running is he is drinking well water from his farm that has not been florinated and has a higher IQ than the city folks who drink florinated water. His IQ is 10 points higher than the florinated city water dumb bastards who will vote for him and he calls himself a republican. He is nothing more than a disgrace to our county.

  5. @mystaclean December 10, 2021 at 1:57 pm

    > “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun” – Barack Obama, 2008
    > Are we going to learn from that?

    A gun? Who’s going to pay the tax stamps to flash a thermal detonator at JB the Hutt?


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