I’m Supposed To Be Concerned That Trump Embellished His Health Records? – IOTW Report

I’m Supposed To Be Concerned That Trump Embellished His Health Records?

The left really has the finger on the pulse of what Americans care about, don’t they?

Two candidates released medical records. One was hacking like they had TB and was thrown into a van in a catatonic state, like a sack of potatoes. The other used Propecia, antibiotics for rosacea and was heavier than reported. WOW.


Before speaking to CNN, Bornstein told NBC that Trump bodyguard Keith Schiller and two other aides raided his office in Feb. 2017, seizing 35 years of Trump’s medical records. Bornstein said the raid, which lasted around 30 minutes, left him feeling “raped, frightened, and sad”—and he was never given a form authorizing the release of the records. He said the men came to his office days after he revealed to the press that Trump takes the drug Propecia for hair growth and antibiotics for the skin condition rosacea. He said that after he disclosed the information to the New York Times, Trump assistant Rhona Graff called him to say: “So you wanted to be the White House doctor? Forget it; you’re out.”


Don’t care.


20 Comments on I’m Supposed To Be Concerned That Trump Embellished His Health Records?

  1. Did DJT sign a waiver or “records release” form for the doc when the doc gave his private medical info to the the press? What an idiot. What did he expect?

    Trump bounded around the country, doing about five rallies a week for months on end without pause. Killery put in brief public appearances every three or four weeks and had to “rest” in between. And that incident where she left her shoe behind and then appeared outside Chelsea’s apartment a short while later looking kinda normal? We could have had Dr. Feelgood practicing in the WH. Again. (Look up JFK’s miracle drug cocktail.)

  2. An NBC style pigeon dropping.
    NBC reported breathlessly last night they think the Docs statement that President Trump is healty was dictated by the Trump campaign. I have the recorded broadcast of when this story originally ran in August 2016. Nothing has changed. Still don’t care eidder.

    RIP Jhoon Rhee
    Nobody bodders me, eidder
    Jhoon Rhee Taekwondo Nobody Bother Me 1970s

  3. This guy is over seventy years old and half the overweight teens in this country couldn’t keep up with his pace. Make that 90 percent, half was too generous.

  4. “The other used Propecia”.

    Maxine Waters stated that she won’t allow Black women to be taken advantage of and that Propecia will be suing for sexual harassment…

  5. I’m still shocked the media didn’t delve into Killery’s erratic head bobbing and that truly awful footage of her being hauled into the back of that van! They left her shoe for crying out loud! Something was/is seriously medically wrong with her and it’s not news?!

    The entire Left is like the Island of Misfit Toys. Square wheels, Charlie in the Box, you name it, that’s the Left.

  6. To be fair, I think Hillary was just hacking up a Huma hair ball…..or whomever’s. In some way it may be related to the hairy ball sack sex change post that was on iotwreport recently.

  7. Haw about the younger and thinner double walking around with the child an hour after the van incident with no Secret Service bodyguards and no protection from spreading the “pneumonia “ to the child?

  8. Hilary is having trouble with her Human Disguise.
    The Tiny Alien driving the from somewhere in her bowels is having software issues and being alcohol fueled (being in public interrupts the flow); could not match the Pace set by the actual Human, and motor controls were affected.

  9. This from the party promising to put a person clearly suffering from some sort of progressive Alzheimer’s type malady back into the Speaker of the House position should they get their blue wave.

  10. This from a party who nominated FDR for a fourth term in 1944, knowing full well he had only six months to live and who claimed that Kennedy was the epitome of youthful vig-uh, even though his spine was dissolving from the steroids needed to treat his Addison’s disease

    And hey, did they ever get to the bottom of that episode of super duper pneumonia that forced Hillary’s handlers to toss her like a sack of groceries into her Scooby van on 9-11? That was some bug, huh? I heard a rumor that it took her almost 90 minutes to recover fro-

    So, yeah spare this concern about Trump’s medical records

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