Pro-Trump Businessman Jumps Into Indiana Republican Primary and is Poised to Bounce the Two Swamp Creatures – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump Businessman Jumps Into Indiana Republican Primary and is Poised to Bounce the Two Swamp Creatures

Establishment GOP Representatives Luke Messer and Todd Rokita have been locked in a battle, each vying for the opportunity to run against a vulnerable dem senator in Indiana.

While they were punching each other, a businessman saw an opportunity to paint them both as career swamp creatures who are interchangeable cookie-cutter pablum. And it’s working, because they are, and the Trump effect has these slick lawyer/politician types on the ropes.

This ad is great-


HT/ Plain Jane

9 Comments on Pro-Trump Businessman Jumps Into Indiana Republican Primary and is Poised to Bounce the Two Swamp Creatures

  1. We only see the standouts, most of these slugs get there and keep quite, listen to what the leadership wants and don’t rock the boat. Monthly they send a letter back to their district explaining how valiantly they’re fighting for their voters. They hide for years doing that.

  2. I just clicked on youtube to watch the video, comments have been disabled. Surprise surprise. Also noticed that iotwreport wasn’t included in the zuckerberg trustiness conference. These people have no shame.

  3. awesome !
    another non professional politician businessman running for elected office.

    this is where we all went wrong
    letting professional politicians get elected repeatedly to office

    what did we expect once we allowed this to happen ?

    how do you know a professional politician is lying ?
    his lips are moving

  4. The swamp, both D’s and R’s will go after this guy with no mercy. Just like Judge Moore and Navy Dr. Ronny Jackson.
    They will dig up anything he did in his past to muddy the waters. If that doesn’t work I’m sure they can drag a $100.00 bill through a trailer park and find someone offend by him.
    Compared to the other two, he is a Knight in shining armor.
    I hope he succeeds.


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