INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE — Perp with giant knife charges Chicago cop… Shot 15 times before falling… – IOTW Report

INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE — Perp with giant knife charges Chicago cop… Shot 15 times before falling…


ht/ jerry manderin

46 Comments on INCREDIBLE FOOTAGE — Perp with giant knife charges Chicago cop… Shot 15 times before falling…

  1. Oh what a surprise, the perp is black. Thank you commie progtards for encouraging and emboldening violent criminals to disobey police commands. You’ve escalated the situation – just as you intended.

  2. Filipinos hopped up on some kind of ancient battle juice cocktail running amok and hacking up US soldiers during the Spanish-America war is why the M1911 .45 was later developed. Putting an end to the need for 15 shots to knock an attacker down.

  3. As a retire Police Officer from the NYPD I have to say the Taser is the dumbest most useless tool to give an Officer. I was hire in 1992 and had a 6 shot revolver, mace (useless) PR24 (nightstick, handcuffs (2sets) and a 3 cell mag lite. Thankfully I never had to pull the trigger, but I used my forearm multiple times per shift. Never used the PR24, used the mace once on a pitbull that was also shot 8 times, the dog basically drank it, I now share my life with two pitbulls, amazing breed but not for everyone. Flashlight, check, used it, handcuffs, check, used them, grip them in the middle and chop downward with the double side making contact and they will comply. The only ones that had Tasers back then were the Patrol Supervisor which 98% of the time was the rank of Sergeant and Emergency Services Officers (SWAT) I believe I heard that guy on Live PD Sgt “Sticks” Larkin say statistically throughout the USA Tasers are exactly 50% effective, no thanks, I wouldn’t drive a car with two tires would you ?

  4. It is currently illegal in Cook County for private civilians to have a magazine with more than ten rounds. Of course the highly trained police are allowed more but there is no reason for anyone else to protect themselves.

  5. Wow, literally had a death grip on her.

    SNS, at that range, I doubt he missed such a large center-mass targeting.

    Maybe we’ll hear a report on that at a later date.

    I’m thinking he only stopped shooting because the mag was empty.

  6. And center mass is the exact problem. Nobody trains center mass anymore. A 9 mil and a 45 will have similar effects on a clown like this when you keep shooting him in the extremities. If you shoot him in the abdomen he has about 15 minutes to kill every one in sight before he expires. A 9 mil HST round enters at the bullet diameter of .354. It exits at .625. Awesome expansion. You need to make your hits in the CNS zone. Central Nervous System. Which is about the width of the distance between your eyes and extends down 12 inches.
    DC, Tasers suck. Billy clubs are more effective. Back when LE where carrying wheel guns they learned how to shoot because they only had 6 rounds. Today LE depend on their mag size. And they suck with guns.

  7. The “Diamond” on the face, pelvic region for a slow Staff Infection , the Right side for Liver failure. All PD. Should take anatomy to improve their targeting skills.

  8. I asked a former cop for advice when I bought a handgun. He said to get .40 Cal. I ended up getting 9 mm because I felt I could handle the recoil better, when I told him he was a little mad, it has maybe half the stopping power and if you’re going to use it you need all you can get. Next one will be .40.

  9. LCD

    40 is a shit round. You’re better off with a 45. But accuracy trumps caliber size all day long. And his statement about stopping power is pure bull shit. Cops love the 40 for the same reason gang member do. It sound cool. That and the FBI adopted it. The 40 was an attempt to compete with the 10 mil round. It doesn’t. 10 mil is a bad ass round. But your better off with a 9 mil than a damn 40.

  10. All those shots fired, that’s why I arm with the .45 acp. It’s a very fast flying beer can and it will stop the biggest men.
    Also check out the 5.7… Ruger makes one relatively cheap and it’s a rifle cartridge, it’ll go right through body armor.

  11. There’s something more important than caliber size that should be discussed when these ridiculous Law Enforcement Mag Dumps take place and the perp stays on his feet. Were LE using Glocks. There’s about a 99% probability they were. Did the Glock still have those cheap ass stock plastic “Ball in Basket” sights on it. Again, about a 99% probability of yes. Glock gets a bad rap as an inaccurate gun because of their stupid sites. You can literally go from a pattern the size of a paper plate at 10 yards to the size of your fist with a site swap.

  12. Single stack 9mm vs .45- I’d go with .45 for sure.
    Doublestack- I’d probably go with 9mm.

    What if the perp *er, suspect* in that video had a couple of buddies nearby?
    Nobody complains about having too much ammo in a gunfight.

  13. Recently a black perp in FL, shot and killed a sheriff deputy. When they caught him, he was shot 40 times. When asked by reporters, why was he shot so many times, the sheriff said that’s all the ammo we had

  14. Brad, absolutely no disrespect but i dunno man, i highly doubt they’re lookin at/thru their sites in this or most Police hootings. I have mentioned before that i am retired nypd, never having fired my weapon on a perp. My brother did, ruger revolver. He walked in on an armed robbery in a bodega, dudes had a sawed off shotgun, they turned and he said he just squeezed til it clicked, went to reload with the old speed-loader, coudnn’t for obvious reasons, he was 5 feet away in a storage room so sight alignment wasn’t even a thought…one dead on lived with a ba to shit in til he expires

  15. DC
    I totally agree however in the video above lets hope they took the time to find their sites considering the proximity of the female cop that was being stabbed several times before they opened fire. But it comes down to training. I shoot a lot. Or use to until ammo disappeared. You need to do the reps from the high ready. Enough reps and at 10 or even 15 yards it becomes automatic. But to get to that point you need sites good enough where you can establish some repeatability. The muscle memory is the only thing you can rely on after the squirt of adrenaline gives you tunnel vision and your respiration goes off the charts. Right or wrong it’s the mag dumps that fire up the anti cop crowd. I hope that explains my position a little better.
    Did you leave the force before some idiot NY bureaucrat mandated 12 pound trigger pulls on service guns?

  16. Brad, I was a revolver guy for the most part and when i went plain clothes (jeans & t-shirt) they made us switch tho the 9mm, i grabbed the S&W because it had weight in my hand, mid 90’s the Glocks were trash in my opinion, think 90’s, shit woul just have parts fly outta the gun when guys shot it. Not sure about the trigger pull to finally answer your question. Couple of weeks into the plain clothes gig i grabbed a guy boostig a car, had the jump on him, pulled him out, went to slam him to the ground and blew out my right ACL, complete rupture, thank GOD the nypd rolls with two per car so my partner was in my pocket and put the bracelets on the guy

  17. LCD – usually you’ll hear it called .40 short and weak with the 9mm crowd..haha. I’ve known three guys that had a Glock in that caliber and ended up going back to 9mm.

    Before getting into the aerospace industry I worked at rifle manufacturing company. Just about everyone carried and 9 times out of 10 it was 9mm. If not, it was .380 or .45acp, toss in a 9mm Makarov here and there, but 9mm ruled the roost.

  18. Brad, and for some sick reason i left Texas after living there for one year. Nicest people and best BBQ this country has to offer but this cesspool of NYC is in my blood and i came back. Even better, i work in the housing projects in east new york, brownsville, and bed stuy i need some help mentally, i know. One of the guys that works on a another team ws involved in 4 line of duty shootings, in 1984 he was shot in the head while sitting in the radio car just like the two out in compton two weeks ago, dude ducked as the rounds were incoming from up the block, as he was ducking he got hit in the eyebrow and as he was putting his head down it then went off the top of his head and into the ceiling of the car, he reached out the window and hois partner reached across his body and unloaded and killed the guy while they were both still sitting (or shitting) in the car.

    you guys should check out the podcast on youtube “off the cuff” or something similar specifically look up the episode with MIke Heintrich, he is the highest decorated Police Officer in NYPD history (cop not detective) he was involved in 6 shootings he was in the same anti-crime team as the guy i now work with both of em are absolute legends and gentlemen

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