Ingraham Sews Krauthammer’s Butt To His Own Goofy Face – IOTW Report

Ingraham Sews Krauthammer’s Butt To His Own Goofy Face

33 Comments on Ingraham Sews Krauthammer’s Butt To His Own Goofy Face

  1. Screw him. Now he knows what is in DJT’s heart?! How about MAGA. How about the utter disgust he has genuinely shown for the crimes along with compassion to the victims families of all violence, whether it be by illegals, Islamic terrorists or domestic nuts. Appalling to suggest Trump is a racist or has ill will in his heart. Or he doesn’t care. Come on Krauthammer, which party has BLM paraded about their national committee?! Oh and Obama as a contemporary did run out and renounce events properly?! Give me an f-ing break. Just another #NeverTrump that wants Trump boxed into this disgusting narrative so his voters are too ashamed to voice support. Where is the outrage for Obama’s Mandela quote that Twitter claims is the most liked tweet ever? No outrage for a former POTUS quoting a communist race baiting fascist?!

  2. Why is it I hear this portrayed as a first of its kind event? The anti free speech people have been looking for trouble for awhile, so now they found it. It was only a matter of time before someone got killed.

  3. This PANIC by everyone, especially FOX News, to defend Antifa and the BLM isn’t even logical. The White Nationalist had a permit. The other side didn’t. Apparently there is no more first amendment. Whether you agree with what whitey was saying or not they use to have the right to say it. With out getting beat up. So Whitey gets a legal permit, even though they tried to deny them, through a guy that voted for Obama twice and was an Occupy Protester. Then they bus Antifa and BLM in from all over the place, the fights start and the cops leave. Something smells. And the Mayor, a Poli Sci PHD from Berkeley, best friends with Tim Kaine, the communist.
    Jessie Waters, Greg Gutfield and Ingraham seem to be the only FOX people that get it.

  4. Gavin McInnes gets it.

    He knows the recipe.
    Deny the permit, then give the permit.
    Bring in your goons, start a riot, have the police stand down.
    And then in the wreckage the mayor can say, “we told ya so. We tried your free speech, it doesn’t work, we need regulations and more control.”


  5. What happened over the weekend was staged propaganda acted out by the left to create chaos so Trump is forced to stay on the defensive. The country is saturated with “Race” talk because the left uses it to control the conversation.
    Obama, Soros and the others who are driving this need to be stopped now.

  6. Kraut – if Trump’s predecessors were so great at “erasing the mortal sin” why are racial relations in the toilet?

    Trump is telling the truth – the violence and hate were on ALL SIDES on Saturday with a healthy dose of patriots legally, peacefully protesting erasing history because some leftwing agitators get uncomfortable.

  7. A few years ago at American Thinker I was slammed as a cretin because I had the audacity to suggest that Krauthammer may be related to the Crypt Keeper (of the Creep Show fame) because he’s not who we perceive him to be – I’ve never apologized for that analogy and never will.

  8. It delights me to know end to watch that – over, and over again. 🙂 Everyone else at FOX gushes over Charles as though he were the all knowing sage. Laura knocked him down flat. 😀

  9. Krauthammer is a stealth liberal. As long as Murdoch Sr. and Ailes were in charge, he could pretend to be conservative. Now that Ailes and The Murdoch Sr. are gone, he can safely revert back to his old Walter Mondale days without worrying about his job. Two-faced opportunist. ESAD Kraut.

  10. The Leftist Media has twisted the meaning of Trumps words to push propaganda describing Conservative Americans as evil bigots …Krauthammer has fallen into the pit of fake news, fake morality…he is now a shill for hatred and genocide …his time will come.

  11. Brad,

    “Imagine how Whitey will be painted by the media once the gunfire starts.”

    They can’t point at anyone if they’re dead from white accuracy.

  12. The left-wing is trying to protect left-wing antifa with their sucker-punches pepper spray, beatings, riotings.

    It’s all about cover. If you have the KKK use that as cover, because really, should we all just look the other way when groups we don’t like get assaulted?

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