Interview: Hunter Biden admits laptop ‘certainly’ ‘could be’ his – IOTW Report

Interview: Hunter Biden admits laptop ‘certainly’ ‘could be’ his

WaExam: Hunter Biden admitted the laptop whose hard drive contents were obtained by the media in late 2020 “certainly … could be” his after all, with President Joe Biden’s son suggesting the laptop could have been stolen or hacked and hinting without evidence that Russian intelligence might be behind it. more

16 Comments on Interview: Hunter Biden admits laptop ‘certainly’ ‘could be’ his

  1. Simple Flowchart:

    100: Is laptop sticky and smells of Piss?

    110; Yes = Hunter GOTO; 400

    120: No = GOTO line 130

    130: Are pictures real? Yes = GOTO line 400

    140: (pictures fake) Shove laptop up Giuliani’s ass for wasting our time

    400: Dump contents onto internet & convict

    500: end loop

  2. He admitted to nothing other then that his dog ate his laptop….Fucking Major bites, fucks and shits in the halls, then sells computer ware to Russians….He’s a true Biden…

  3. The fact that the Gaetz rumors were quickly leaked
    and the Hunter Biden laptop was kept hidden
    until Rudy Giuliani exposed it
    is the PERFECT example of how the FBI
    is now the enemy of half of America.

  4. This is the definition of privilege and being part of the 1 percent: Having so many laptops that you don’t notice one went missing.

    FFS, my one laptop is 10 years old and missing 2 keys and I would miss it long before my computer geek would send me a past due bill for its repair.


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