Investigator working for Fulton County DA Fani Willis accidentally shot herself at courthouse – IOTW Report

Investigator working for Fulton County DA Fani Willis accidentally shot herself at courthouse

An investigator working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis accidentally shot herself on Friday inside the Fulton County Courthouse and was not “critically wounded,” according to the sheriff’s office. more

60 Comments on Investigator working for Fulton County DA Fani Willis accidentally shot herself at courthouse

  1. Glocks don’t accidentally fire. You can even drop it from space and it won’t go off when it hits something to stop it’s fall. There are internal safeties to thank for that. Something you can’t promise about 1911s.

    You HAVE to pull the trigger. Negligence.

    So, yes, there ARE safeties on a Glock, just not the kind on other guns. If you want to pull the trigger, you won’t lose your life because you forgot to flip a switch.

  2. @ Dadof4: “There are internal safeties to thank for that. Something you can’t promise about 1911s.”

    The 1911 has THREE safeties in the design to prevent what you speak of. The ‘thumb’ safety which blocks sear movement, the grip safety, which does the same,and a half cock notch on the hammer if those two fail or the sear surface itself is damaged.

    “So, yes, there ARE safeties on a Glock, just not the kind on other guns. If you want to pull the trigger, you won’t lose your life because you forgot to flip a switch.”

    There is ONE ‘Safety’ on a Glock that happens to be imbedded into the front face of the trigger. A shirt tail in the trigger guard during holstering renders that moot. Gang bangers shoot their dicks off (not necessarily a bad thing) shoving a Glock in the front of their pants.

    “Forgetting” to flip a switch, (I assume you mean the thumb safety on the 1911) shows a total lack of familiarity and training with the lethal weapon. Which, if you are carrying a lethal weapon, is totally unforgivable.

  3. @ Badco:”Isn’t it illegal to carry a gun in a courthouse except for law enforcement?”

    DA Investagators are Law Enforcement. The carry a badge, are usually armed and have state wide arrest powers.

  4. I carry a Glock Monday thru Friday. So I don’t screw up a 1911. Saturdays and Sundays I carry a Commander. For me, Glocks are like that fat back up girl friend you had in high school. She was reliable, always there, and when the time came she got the job done. You just really didn’t want to be seen with her out in public.

  5. @ Lowell

    There are two more internal safeties on Glocks you seem to be unaware of, apparently.

    The lever switch on 1911s, and such, require your mind to remember what mode you are in. Many times people have lost the fight because they forgot the safety switch was in locked position.

    “Forgetting” to flip a switch, (I assume you mean the thumb safety on the 1911) shows a total lack of familiarity and training with the lethal weapon. Which, if you are carrying a lethal weapon, is totally unforgivable.


    Exactly my point. The external safety is not superior for exactly that point. User failure. Thank you for highlighting it. There is no PERFECT FAILSAFE safety for a gun. It all comes down to the user.

    The Glock is no more dangerous than any other gun. If you’re inexperienced at handling a gun safely, YOU are the problem.

  6. Investigator is a dumbass and shouldn’t be allowed to carry a loaded weapon.

    For me winter carry is a S&W Model 65-2 357 magnum with alternating WC and JHP. No safety there. Summer carry is either a Glock G37 45GAP or a Glock 20 10mm. Glocks are ugly but they work, every time. My primary range gun for the past 5 years has been a Colt 1911 Government in 9mm. I don’t think I have ever set the safety on the 1911. I was trained by the military to do the Israeli carry, empty chamber and full magazine. That is how I carry my semi-autos. It is all about training and keeping up with it.

  7. 1911 was designed to carry in the number 1 condition. That little thumb safety is bad ass when you learn how to use it. A huge advantage, for me at least, with a 1911 over damn near anything else on the market is recoil control. Gripping and ripping the single stack is way more predictable on recoil for ME than Tupperware double stacked contoured, swelled, grips. My pressure on a 1911 is front and back. so the gun rotates straight up, and straight back down. Double stack, not so much. I get loops. Your site pic is your throttle. So I’ll take 8 over 16 if my 8 get hit faster than your 16.

  8. To me, unless you are in a war zone or Chicago, carrying with an empty chamber is the better, safer option.
    How long does it take to rack one?
    Seriously, are you always in such peril that you need one ready to go?

    BTW, not talking about cops, security guards, armored truck drivers, etc.

  9. We have all seen plenty of videos of people carrying on an empty chamber being shot to death for not being ready. There was even one video where the good guy flubbed the slide TWICE only to be killed by a fucking scumbag.

  10. Likewise anon, I can’t point to COUNTLESS episodes of someone shooting themselves or someone else accidently.
    All I can say is I’m damn glad I don’t live in fear of needing a loaded weapon at my side 24/7/365.
    I bet some of you check under the bed every single night.

    In addition, I know of no rock in existence that allows me to rack a bullet in 0.07 seconds and shoot some motherfucker…
    Magic rock?

  11. “Likewise anon, I can’t point to COUNTLESS episodes of someone shooting themselves or someone else accidently.”

    Wow, your an anti gun fucking libtard. Learn how to use it, or don’t carry it. Like I say, that Glock you own doesn’t cycle because you weak arm it. I carry cocked, locked, and ready to rock. And your still trying to figure out how the mags go in. Dumb ass comment pal. Hide with the women and stay out of our way.

  12. “To me, unless you are in a war zone or Chicago, carrying with an empty chamber is the better, safer option. How long does it take to rack one?”

    Loco, an undercover cop not needing to rack the slide ended up saving his own life. There is a video of him pumping gas and a couple of perps came up to him, one was pointing a gun in the cop’s face. The cop grabbed the gunman’s arm and keeping it out of the way and he pulled his, I’m assuming a Glock, out and shot the guy. Had no time to rack.

  13. willysgoatgruff

    I’m an auto guy, IN TOWN. But your comment is spot on. We’re dealing with a sudden surge of peeps that have no idea how to handle a gun. I average about a 1,000 round through a pistol a month. I’m wondering how many rounds that city dweller Loco averages? Which is exactly when the shit comes down he’ll be hiding with the women. He’s defenseless, and useless. Except for that big mouth.

  14. “Hmmm, it seems I can chamber a round faster than many of the “so called” gun experts here.”

    Talks fucking cheap pussy and you’d never put it to the test. Your all mouth. If you want to put it to the test I have the perfect spot with timers. I will guarantee you I’ll get my first shot off before you get that cap gun out of your holster. ALL MOUTH.

  15. Plus the fact that MOST people are aware of their surroundings.
    If I felt I was in danger then I would be prepared.
    My point was why have a gun that is ready to fire 24/7 when you aren’t even remotely in any danger?
    In fact, you are putting family members in danger.
    But go ahead, it will really suck when you shoot them accidently.
    Go to your grave with that shit.

  16. “why have a gun that is ready to fire 24/7”

    I’m out, he’s a fucking anti gum moron. I swear I’ve heard Code Pink say the exact same thing. I’m not hardly joking. My guns ready to fire 24/7. Has been for almost thirty years, on my hip.

  17. I could see racking a round to be much more liabilitious (?) when there’s something going on though so it’s probably not a sure thing. Round in the chamber makes me a bit nervous though.

  18. Glocks…pfft. My Hi-Point 9mm will always prevail, because when I run out of ammo, I can throw it at you and do as much damage as a bullet!

    Also…it’s kind of a ghetto gun so people who see it think you’re ‘just’ crazy enough not to be screwed with as quickly…

  19. “Also…it’s kind of a ghetto gun so people who see it think you’re ‘just’ crazy enough not to be screwed with as quickly…”

    True. Even the cops roll their eyes at it.

    But it works, right?

    I’d use a pair of pliers and a hammer if that’s all I had at hand. Well, a bullet, too.


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