Iowa Pastors Grill Marco Rubio Over Gay Marriage Duplicity – IOTW Report

Iowa Pastors Grill Marco Rubio Over Gay Marriage Duplicity

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Some pastors expressed their concern with Rubio’s ties to Paul Singer, a billionaire who has funded the fight for gay marriage. Singer is now a major donor to Rubio’s presidential campaign and the founder of a super-PAC whose purpose is to help make the Republican Party pro-gay marriage. – more at BigGovernment

7 Comments on Iowa Pastors Grill Marco Rubio Over Gay Marriage Duplicity

  1. Rubio is a liar through and through.

    I heard a reporter on Laura’s show recently interviewed. His beat for years has been the Florida statehouse in Tallahassee. He said that he had never seen a more dishonest politician then Rubio.

    I heard him on Levin with my own ears pledging no amnesty and a border fence first thing to secure the border when he was at 3% against Crist. I sent him money. And what did the scumbag do first thing after being elected? Hook up with Schumer to push amnesty.

    I would never vote for him. Ever.

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