Iran Whacks Four Zeroes Off Of Currency – IOTW Report

Iran Whacks Four Zeroes Off Of Currency


Iran’s Central Bank announced Wednesday that the nation would rename the national currency, the rial, as the “toman” and “delete four zeros” from its value.

The move follows months of intense American sanctions on Iran’s oil industry and mimics a similar move to bolster the bolívar currency in Venezuela. More

15 Comments on Iran Whacks Four Zeroes Off Of Currency

  1. Also the mark under the Wiemar Republic.

    With over $22 TRILLION in debt and unfunded mandates. they’ll do the same thing to the dollar. When they do, and the welfare checks start to bounce, and the EBT cards stop working, all those zombie movies will become training films.

    But soon after that the folks who can’t do logical thinking or long-range planning will be all dead. Then, you’ll need 1/10 oz. gold coins for exchange, and coffee, whiskey, flour and sugar for trade goods.

    BTW, build a Faraday cage in your garage and put backups of all electronic devices in it. Just in case of EMP. Engineers, get an old CRC book of math tables and a slide rule; your need them to rebuild.

  2. The figure of 10,000 minus 4 zeroes = 1.
    With another 2 billion added to our 20+ billion dollar
    national debt we aren’t too far away from starting
    to delete zeroes ourselves.
    Right DONALD?

  3. I went to Istanbul in 2004. The one million Turkish lire note was worth $0.85. The people there much preferred the US Greenback and you could make better deals around town.

  4. Billy, Look at it this way. If it costs you 10,000 camel shit coins today to buy a can of chickpeas. The government lops 4 zeros off the worthless value of camel shit coins, you now only need to produce a single shit coin for the chickpeas. As isolated as they are, they can do this, because nobody wants their camel shit currency. However on the world market. You still need 10,000 camel shit coins to buy a $1US can of American chickpeas.

    Or something like that.

  5. Dear John

    Up your Buddha and
    the income tax isn’t necessary

    Obama proved that with the greater than
    4 trillion dollar ” stimulous ”
    which accomplished nothing in economic gain

    Wake up demorat blind faith adheshenist
    What have the demorats done for you
    besides demanding your blind faith vote.

  6. So, what d’ya think the Federal “minimum wage” is?

    The ACTUAL minimum wage is $0.00 AND will ALWAYS be $0.00.
    If the Feds call the “minimum wage” $15 it simply means that $15 = $0.
    Used to call it “normalizing” which, in math and science, you multiply both sides of an equation by whatever it takes to bring the principal to 1 (one).

    In economics and politics we just add or subtract to defraud and deceive the public – pretending that something is nothing and vice-versa.

    izlamo delenda est …

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