Ireland: Sinn Féin drops its support for “hate speech” bill – IOTW Report

Ireland: Sinn Féin drops its support for “hate speech” bill

The largest opposition party in the Republic of Ireland, Sinn Féin, has changed its stance on proposed hate speech laws, which signals a political shift in the country and means the bill is unlikely to be passed this side of a general election.

6 Comments on Ireland: Sinn Féin drops its support for “hate speech” bill

  1. Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph! T’wasn’t so long ago Sinn Féin was blowing up pubs and kneecapping the competition in their protection rackets. During “The Troubles,” there’s plenty of folks would’ve been glad of a wee bit of hate speech instead of downright hateful actions.

    FFS: Ireland would be silent and sober but for hate speech –which is the national sport!


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