Is Bernie Sanders On Board With This? – IOTW Report

Is Bernie Sanders On Board With This?


See these dopes? This is David Deen and Mary Sullivan, representatives in Vermont. They are people who can simply decree that people in Vermont will pay nearly a dollar more for a gallon of gas because they are warmists.

These jerks would never think the climate was in crisis unless they were told. It’s not like they, independently, woke up one day and started thinking, “something is seriously wrong with the weather.” They are simply on board the left’s fabricated scheme in order to confiscate wealth and lord over people’s lives.


“It’s a tax concept I certainly believe in: Tax bad things and try to get people to move away from these things,” Sullivan said. “You do bring in revenue, but you also reduce the impact to society that carbon emissions have. I think there are a lot of people out there who want to see the change this bill would bring about.”

A carbon dioxide tax is the means most economists prefer to reduce carbon emissions, said economist Dick Heaps, of Northern Economic Consulting in Chittenden County.

Such an approach interferes least with the free market, he said.

“You want to intervene with the lightest step possible,” Heaps said. “You don’t want to have the government tell you how to produce less carbon, and how much to consume.”

A carbon tax leaves it up to consumers to decide whether to live near their workplace, or whether to purchase an electric car. Economists prefer a carbon tax to a ban on carbon emissions, for instance, or a requirement that all commuters take public transit, Heaps said.


You see, the government is about choice. You can either choose to stop using gas or they will tax it even more until you do.

ht/ sam shultis



27 Comments on Is Bernie Sanders On Board With This?

  1. I’m coining a new term here, never before seen on the InterWebz: These people are carbonarchs. Their authoritarian political philosophy is carbonarchy.

    They need to be tarred and feathered.
    (Tar is mostly carbon!)

  2. Yes! Excellent idea! If you don’t want to pay alot in taxes just spend twice or three times as much on a new electric car that cos 10 times as much to repair and has zero resale. What? Can’t afford that? Well then sell that white priveledge suburban house with the picket fence and move to the inner city, closer to your job. See. No problem. ….(Alternate scenario: Buy lots of ammo and freeze dried food and hunker down folks).

  3. The Kommissars want the rubes out of their cars to remove the need to interact or be delayed by proles.
    To step off their plane, yet be delayed by a traffic jam caused by proles going about their pointless lives is something the deserving class should never have to endure.
    King Obama doesn’t suffer that, for his Stasi clear the roads in front of him. Surely the ruling class of Vermont deserves the right to travel unimpeded?

  4. If taxing bad things causes them to go away or be reduced in size and effect then let’s put a super tax on all registered DemoRATS, avowed Socialists (usually the same as DemoRATS), Marxists (usually the same as DemoRATS) and all elected politicians!

  5. Wyatt, you don’t understand. They implement this tax, and collect revenue from you. Then they decide that the poor people cannot afford the gas that you can afford (unfair!), so they come up with a subsidy plan and tax you to help subsidize gas for poor folks.

  6. Yes, buy an electric car–because electricity is free. Well, not really. In fact, it’s a lot more expensive here now because we used to have a nuclear power plan and we used to sell electricity to other states and Canada, but nuclear power is bad, so we shut it down (which cost more than continuing to operate it) and now we import electricity from New York and Canada a significantly higher rates.


  7. O.k., I’ll let you in on a little secret. I am a true progressive, and not only do I hate poor people, I also want to own them. So I make it too expensive for the poor to live on their own, and once they start relying on government assistance to be able to do what they could afford to do prior to our involvement, they will have to do what we want. If I want them to drive less, they will drive less. If I want them to eat less, they will eat less. If I want them to tap dance on street corners for nickles, they will tap dance on street corners for nickles. If these folks are willing to sell themselves into bondage for a few bucks, who am I to stop them, and why shouldn’t I profit from this?


    While the explicit wording King Richard used suggested that the punishment wasn’t meant to be fatal, it’s not difficult to see how pouring hot pitch over someone could prove deadly, especially in a time before antibiotics to treat inevitable infections from severe burns. The most common injuries from the tarring and feathering itself were indeed burns and blisters. After the individual was then thoroughly humiliated, perhaps by parading them around town in a nude or semi-nude state, he or she also tended to find it very difficult to get the tar and feathers off without potentially losing a little skin in the process, leaving behind a lasting testament to their shame in the forms of scars.

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