Is Beto O’Rourke running for the Senate in California? – IOTW Report

Is Beto O’Rourke running for the Senate in California?

Patriot Retort: Apparently he thinks he is.

The alleged Texan’s campaign coffers are bursting with Hollywood cash.

And while he might be skittish about facing Ted Cruz in a debate, Beto is all in when it comes to sitting down with Ellen DeGeneres.

You know, I don’t get it.

If foreign countries shouldn’t meddle in our elections, shouldn’t people in California stay the hell out of the elections in other states?

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7 Comments on Is Beto O’Rourke running for the Senate in California?

  1. It’s effective though. Astroturfed, dark lord Soros funded “support” I mean. In Austin, about every 10th house (or more) has a BETO sign in the yard. These liberal idiots have no clue who he really is. It’s sickening. This creep could actually win.. That’s how far things have sunk.

  2. Texans should organize and go after the califucktard leftists that moved there to destroy their state. Find out which ones registered as demorats and terrorize them. Go to their houses and burn their cars and damage their property. Target them and put them in fear. This could be done…


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