Is The Left Planning On Taking Control Through A “Color Revolution”? – IOTW Report

Is The Left Planning On Taking Control Through A “Color Revolution”?

Tucker Carlson had an interesting guest Tuesday night, Darren Beattie, who warned that all the violence and riots this summer are part of a broader strategy to change our government through a “color revolution.”

Tucker’s interview with Darren Beattie. Watch

The history and indications that we may be looking at an attempted color revolution. Here

8 Comments on Is The Left Planning On Taking Control Through A “Color Revolution”?

  1. There are lots of leftist groups out there that seek to control the rebellion. I expect they will fight each other as they vie for leadership. The best organized one with a solid philosophy behind it will eventually get to the top.

    Anarchy is little more than a power vacuum that needs to be filled.

  2. The problem in this country are rich billionaire faux-jew assholes who are given free rein to fuck this country up because anyone who criticizes what these assholes like Soros do right out in the open get smeared as “antisemites”, as if that cunt Soros was anything close to a practicing Jew. He is funding BLM/AntiFa along with a lot of other filthy rich Hollywood faux-jew assholes as well.

  3. Rule by Mau Mau Communism? The Hispanics though considered
    “brown” by the left won’t go for it. Too many came here running from the “collectiva’s” violence to want to go back to it.
    The number of the black communists is way too small and too many blacks are practicing Christians.
    What they are doing is finally burying the former democrat
    party machine and good riddance.

  4. What the left is going to find out is that Americans aren’t like the eastern Europeans who fell for the propaganda. In addition, the internet has made it possible to expose these tactics in a way which wasn’t as widely available back then.

    And above all the regimes that fell to the revolutionary tactics weren’t as grounded in truth, populism and righteousness and DJT is.

    The left will ultimately fail.


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