Is The Media Matters Chief Slurping From A Slush Fund? – IOTW Report

Is The Media Matters Chief Slurping From A Slush Fund?

DC: Media Matters chief David Brock has personally watched over and benefited from a scheme to hide donor identities that allowed progressives to funnel untraceable millions to initiatives against conservative and GOP causes around the nation, a complaint filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission charges.

Andrew Kerr details in the complaint obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation how Brock has allegedly overseen a sleight of hand operation to obscure who is donating money to a super PAC in which he has a vested personal interest.

Kerr is a former employee of a major American technology firm. He has spent the last year parsing through and collating data on the American bridge’s nonprofit and political arms.


The complaint centers on a cost-sharing arrangement between American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, and a super PAC sharing its name, American Bridge 21st Century.  Read more

SNIP: Is David Brock using slush money for hair products?

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