Is Trump’s Full Statement “Bananas”? – IOTW Report

Is Trump’s Full Statement “Bananas”?

49 Comments on Is Trump’s Full Statement “Bananas”?

  1. The money quote – Only a deviant would think anything else.

    “The guy has done it. He walked right through the War on Women canard. And not only that he took off on the losers by calling them โ€œdeviant(s)โ€ which is the perfect description for the Cultural Left. They are sexually and morally and intellectually deviant: tearing down the family, the Churches and the culture. I think that might be the most refreshing thing about Trump: he is ok with enemy/foe relationships. May The Trumpenkrieg grind them wailing into the dust.”

    (Skarp Hedin @

  2. I know a lot of people that are watching this unfold and just as Michellesbigbeaver says…the push for Jeb boy is obvious. They are mostly old people with no internet, but they vote every election without fail. They can smell bs from a long way away. Erickson didn’t do the GOP any favors.

  3. When I first heard Trump’s original statement, in context, I never thought “menstruation”. In fact, I couldn’t initially understand what the hubbub was about until I heard what others were saying they thought it meant.

    For laughs, I played the interview for my wife, who is not nearly the political junkie I am, and she didn’t catch it either. In fact, she told me “I’m on the rag now myself and that thought never occurred to me”.

    Which I think validates Trump’s assertion that people who “went there” assuming that he was somehow suggesting that the bimbo Kelly was riding the cotton pony are indeed deviates.

  4. Here’s my concern with Trump. Imagine with me if you will, Trump’s first day in office.

    Trump walks into the oval office. His staff shows up and sits down.

    “What would you like to do today, Mr. President?”

    “Let’s repeal 0bamacare.”

    “Well, sir, that takes congress, they pass a bill, you sign it, and so on.”

    “Bullshit. I’m the president, I’m in charge here now, repeal 0bamacare now, dammit!”

    “Sir, you’re just one branch of the government, we have 3, and legislation is created by congress….”

    “Shut up. You’re fired. Get out.” (staffer leaves) (Next staffer takes his place)

    “Now, like I said. Let’s start over. Change the immigration laws. Lets get rid of those pesky illegals.”

    “Sir, laws are made in congress, perhaps we should get the speaker on the phone?”

    “Bullshit. I don’t want to hear about congress. I want to fix this mess now, make America great again.”

    “But sir, you can’t act on your own, that’s what 0bama did and got us in this mess.”

    “Bullshit! I’ve got a pen and a phone too. 0bama made this mess Imma unmake it, now!”

    “Sir, you can’t just unmake it”

    “Your fired!”


  5. Hell, at least the sumbitch FIGHTS BACK! That’s a FIRST for anyone identifying their self as a Republican. Sometimes, when you FIGHT BACK, you miss an uppercut and take a counter-punch, or you accidentally hit below the belt. But at least you FIGHT BACK. Maybe this will embolden some of the traditional “Republicucks”.

    Cruz also fights back, but he is so calm, and in some ways intellectually nuanced, that a lot of people miss the fire in his belly.

  6. you’re right, I believe the executive office can undo previous executive orders.

    But I was trying to make a point. Can Trump submit to the constitutional order and no longer be a CEO with total authority? Is he a respecter of the constitution above buzzwords and slogans and trash talking?

    If he is, great.

  7. Does it matter?

    No matter what Trump says, his supporters will remain spitting, drooling, frothing supporters who attack anyone who criticizes him.

    Trump could send out a Press Release that says, “I’m gonna burn your house down and piss on the ashes!” and every single one of his supporters will cheer.

    Well, first they’d file an insurance claim on their house, then they’d call everyone who doesn’t support Trump a RINO loser and Establishment hack, and then they’d cheer.

  8. Compare Trump’s responses to attacks with Bush’s complete refusal (or failure) to ever respond to any attack because to do so would be “unpresidential.” Now, Bush is considered incompetent, which is ridiculous, especially compared to Obama. Republicans have to punch back – they won’t have a mass media that provides cover and full support.

  9. And they would be right, with one exception. Reading some of the comments makes me think some don’t understand what he does for a living and how he made his money. He’s created a huge infrastructure that he operates within. CEO’s typically create, processes, departments, systems, and use them. So operating within the different branches of the Government should be no big deal.
    I really hope his poll numbers continue to rise if for no other reason than to pour more gas on the fire.
    If Trump comes out int the next couple weeks with specifics on how he’s going to bring jobs back, presented in a professional manner, game over.

  10. We’re just not on the same level of righteous indignation with the left. I didnt get it either.

    Trump wont quit. Not now. An I’m sure he’s crying in his beer about being rejected by some place called redstate. If it werent for IOTWR, and breitbart etc, I would never have know of this. Its comparable to being interviewed on a local radio station that no one listens to.

  11. What a load of bullshit Dianny.

    If you think Trump was treated fairly, you’re not nearly as plugged in as I thought.

    I’m certainly not spitting, drooling nor frothing and he’s not my first choice but seeing how his candidacy is forcing folks like yourself having to choose between whatever the CofC decides for us pee-ons and a plain speaking, crass Trump is a pleasure to watch you twisting into a pretzel tearing him and his supporters down.

    From Mark Steyn

    The reality is that the GOP establishment, after their appalling behavior in the Hastert years, were given a second chance by the base in 2010, and a third chance in 2014. Now theyโ€™re demanding a fourth chance โ€“ and people go, well, say what you like but a Republican president will at least get to appoint rock-ribbed Supreme Court justices, like, er, John Roberts, who constitutionalized Obamacare, and, um, Anthony Kennedy, who gave us federally mandated gay marriage. Boehner, Mitchell, Kennedy, Robertsโ€ฆNot much to show for a party thatโ€™s been supposedly dominant for 35 years, is it?

    It sure ainโ€™t. But letโ€™s get back to pantsing the dweebs:
    Our collective problem here, I think, is that weโ€™ve all been so used to playing from the same rulebook (and being able to exile those who break those rules) for so long that there was no antibody in our collective political bloodstream to fight off Trump once he arrived. Itโ€™s like setting up a chess board in the park, inviting The Donald to do battle, and moving your Pawn to King 4. Then Trump calmly walks over, picks up his bishop, sweeps past all the other pieces and knocks over your king.

    โ€œWait!โ€ you cry out. โ€œYou canโ€™t do that!โ€

    With that annoying smile on his face, Trump responds, โ€œClearly I just didโ€ and walks away. And what makes the situation all the more insufferable is the crowd of tourists who had gathered around to watch and who are now pointing at you and laughing.
    Returning to the point I originally set out to make, our candidates arenโ€™t just flummoxed by how to gain traction and get ahead of Trump in the polls. They seem to be failing an even bigger test when the media inevitably comes to them and asks why Trump is doing so well. Many respond by saying that Trump is just a celebrity and weโ€™re a nation of folks who are fascinated by celebrities. But heโ€™s leading in polls of people who are both registered Republicans and likely voters. These are the most involved, informed voters in the nation. When you do this youโ€™re basically telling your base that they are vacuous consumers of brain numbing TV pablum. Thatโ€™s really no way to win over the base, folks.

    Others respond by saying that Trumpโ€™s high profile just gives him a much higher name recognition. (Sorry, Carly.) But thatโ€™s just making excuses and whining when all is said and done. Itโ€™s your job to make your mark and get people to recognize and agree with you. Itโ€™s not Donaldโ€™s job to apologize for being famous.
    In shortโ€ฆ(and itโ€™s taken me a while to come to this conclusion) youโ€™re doing it wrong. The question isnโ€™t whatโ€™s wrong with Trump. Heโ€™s winning. And the question darned sure shouldnโ€™t be whatโ€™s wrong with the voters who respond to him positively. Thatโ€™s a political suicide dive. The real question is and has always been, why arenโ€™t you doing better?

    Trump and Cruz to a quieter extent, are telling the establishment in DC that they’re representing millions of us that want to get off the Drive to Nightmare City.

    Get on board or get out of the way.

  12. Then again, Obama modified both Zerocare and immigration policy BEYOND RECOGNITION and in addition to the actual laws that were passed on his own, so I figure The Donald could do some damage in reverse all by his ownself.

  13. Boil down all the talking and it comes to exactly what you said:

    Would you trust Obama (or Clinton or whomever) or Trump? Trump may be able to learn to work within the Constitution. Obama, Clinton, or any other socialist intends to destroy it.

  14. it’s really this simple.

    With the clock ticking down the way it is on the very future of our constitutional republic, on our grand American experiment, you’re either the type that believes that things can be set straight by allowing more career politicians to flirt around the edges and exert some republican flavor in administering the broken systems that are already in place, or you are the type that realizes that were already too far gone for that. That it’s time to take drastic measures.

    I fall in the latter camp, and I think anyone in the former is at best a Pollyanna, or more likely, an idiot.

    I like Ted Cruz and Scott Walker, a lot.

    But they will never win in a general election. There are too many idiots on the voting rolls who will never be reached by anything except 20 second sound bites, and sadly, they are too average looking to garner female votes beyond well-read Conservative women.

    Nope, in reality TV America, Trump is our best bet right now.

  15. “The Donald could do some damage in reverse all by his ownself.”

    Just by reversing all of Obama’s proclamations (Executive Actions).

    I think it was Bill Whittle who said that the first thing he would do is reverse every one of Obama’s Executive Actions by his own Executive Action. Then he would make one more Executive Action: making any further Executive Actions illegal for the rest of forever.

  16. Exactly Chief. And when some dumb ass MOFO talking head on TV starts talking about the New Normal for the economy I just cringe. This is Obama’s economy and it doesn’t need to be this way and there’s nothing normal about it. And Trump or Reagan are the only two I know that can fix it. And Reagan’s not available.

  17. Amen!

    One of my thoughts about the so-called top tier debate Thursday night was the clear avoidance of hearing from Ted Cruz. Yes, they had to ask him questions, but when he wanted to step in to comment on something – Oh no! We have to go to break!

    They really are afraid of him but they don’t want to fight him because they know that he will mop the floor with them. And not in the way that they can call him a bombastic loud mouth like they are doing to Trump.

    No, Cruz will take them over his knee and whoop them as he is explaining why they are wrong and giving them a lesson in truth. They are more afraid of that then being called names by Trump.

    (Not that I’m trying to tramp on Trump – I’m very pleased that he is saying what he is saying. I just want to hear more, not just the name calling.)

  18. Same here.
    I thought it was like “blowing off steam” out of her ears or ass.

    Nevertheless, I think the best response to mock the Left would be to say, “well, shouldn’t we all CELEBRATE the menstrual cycle?!? Bleeding?!? HOORAY!!! Why are you complaining?!! Are you GYNOPHOBIC?!?”

  19. Yeah…but that’s what they suspected of Obama-the-preened-and-protected-princess, too. LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.

    I’d fear Day One of Prez Clinton or Bush MORE.

  20. Except that Bush, GOPe & Co. WON’T say it, but WILL do it, and then send you the bill for environmental damages and cleanup.

    If you don’t get that much, Dianny, you’re a bit too far gone for me.

  21. Where do I say that Trump was or wasn’t treated fairly in the debate?

    My frustration is with Trumpettes who hurl invectives and insults at anyone who hasn’t drunk the Trump-flavored Kool Aid.

    I guess you haven’t seen all the vitriolic, hateful comments from Trump supporters. Sorry. I have. If Trump is such a great choice, why is it necessary to attack, insult and berate the people who aren’t sold on him. You attack me now. Should I turn around and say, “Great! Now that you’ve attacked me, I’m a full-throated Trump supporter!!! Sign me up!”

    The anger coming from Trump’s supporters is not directed just at the “Establishment” or the Enslaved Press, but at everyone. Including people who should be natural allies.

    But, no. Just keep attacking fellow conservatives.

    RINO has become to the Trumpettes what RACIST was to the Obamabots.

    Apparently now, the rule is: You are a Republican in Name Only when you oppose Donald Trump — a guy who believes Bill Clinton was the greatest President of the last 20 years, praised Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, and believes GW Bush (not Obama) is the worst President of the last four presidents and supports Canadian-style socialized medicine.

    But if I point that stuff out, I’M called a RINO.


    You’re a RINO for thinking Trump may only be a Republican in Name Only and not an actual conservative, Constitutional, principled guy.

    But go ahead. Just keep attacking us. Nothing says, “Join our side because we’re right” quite like name-calling.

    We have a freaking country to save. And if Trump is the guy to do it, MAKE THE FUCKING ARGUMENT.

    If that isn’t something you want to do, or you just prefer to hurl insults, go ahead and insult me. I’ll just keep vetting the candidates and finding the one most likely to begin the lengthy process of restoring the Republic while the Trumpettes keep screaming “RINO!!!” at everyone who hasn’t bellied up to the Kool Aid bar.

  22. So, my choice is: Support Trump or you’re too far gone.

    And here I thought there were more candidates running than just Bush and Trump.

    Silly me.

    And here I stupidly thought there were other candidates seeking the nomination.

    Or, maybe I’m just too far gone to notice that there are no longer 17 freaking candidates running on the Republican side. Did the other 15 drop out while I was too far gone?

  23. Did you read the post above? Or any of my other posts today defending the vile attack FOX unleashed on him. I guess not because I did make the argument for Trump. And he’s not even my first pick. Again, I don’t give a shit what he said 10 or 2 years ago, RIGHT NOW he is addressing solutions to the issues that are killing this country.

    It’s OK for you to call his supporters frothing and spitting and that’s not insulting though right? You don’t seem like you’re a cupcake but really, invectives hurled at you on the inter webs hurt your feelings???

    And please show me where I called you a RINO. However if you’re supporting almost anyone but Trump or Ted you sure aren’t serious about turning our long nightmare around.

  24. Feh. It’s just the inane dribbling of a UK Guardian newspaper reporter twit. The guy probably has no idea who any of the people mentioned in that statement are, nor any of the context.

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