Is unauthorized access to a remote-controlled vibrator an electronic rape? – IOTW Report

Is unauthorized access to a remote-controlled vibrator an electronic rape?

The questions that have to be asked in 2019 are ridiculous.

Daily Star-

Couples seeking to spice up their love lives using the new generation of teledildonic devices could be targeted by hackers, according to a demonstration by an internet security expert.

Vibrators and other sex toys – some featuring cameras – can easily by hijacked by unscrupulous experts, bringing an uninvited third party into an adventurous couple’s virtual bedroom.

Is unauthorised access to a remote-controlled vibrator an electronic rape? Shanlon Wu, a US lawyer who specialises in sex crimes says it is.

He told Gizmodo: “The typical definition of a felony-type sexual abuse is an unconsented-to penetration,” whether that penetration is with a body part or with an object.

He dismissed the idea that someone who was wearing a teledildonic device in a public place is essentially ‘asking for trouble,’ and offered this analogy to underline his point: “If I’m entering a boxing match … I’m consenting, obviously, to the contest with my opponent. If he hits me, I can’t be yelling, ‘Oh, he assaulted me, he punched me!’ because we’re consenting to punching each other.

“But if his corner man, his manager, comes out and clocks me in the head during the match, they can’t argue, ‘You consented to a boxing match, so anybody gets to beat up on you.’” Similarly, if you consent to someone using a sex toy on you, that’s not an invitation for any passerby to join in.


ht/ cynic

20 Comments on Is unauthorized access to a remote-controlled vibrator an electronic rape?

  1. Imagine asking the engineer whut field he’s in…

    As far as the boxing match goes… well she wuzn’t much of a fighter, but you shoulda seen her box!

    The Bluetooth-enabled butt plug???
    Shouldn’t that be Browntooth?

  2. Is there anything made nowadays that doesn’t have a hidden electronic bug in it in order to spy on our every movement? Maybe the only way to avoid it is to disconnect entirely from anything electronic before we all get HAL’ ed. I still think that we were better off without all the gizmos and gadgets that more and more control our lives and very existence.

  3. And to make it worse XM’s 60’a on 6 is currently playing We’re not going to take it by The Who. So is my satellite radio listening to me and trying to send me a not so subliminal message that everything is futile and we’ve all become part of the Borg without knowing it. SNS, you forgot Mike Sweeney. And if I turned it to the deep tracks channel 27, I’d probably hear Dynamo Hum by Frank Zappa.

  4. bullshit! the guy doing the punching probing is still the guy doing the probing. only he & she have control over the punching probing, not the corner man, the manager hacker

    …now, maybe the hacker can likely turn up the intensity of the electronic weenie, but that’s nothing more than speeding up the outcome … sorta like you’re hurrying up so you don’t use up your data charges before the end of the month. so the hacker did ’em a favor in that regard

  5. it’s like the old ‘Outer Limits’ show … “we control the vertical. we control the horizontal. we control the vibration.”

    in the future the government will be in charge. we’ll have the Department of Teledildonics … after all, they’re already experts in being giant dildos

  6. It’s internet connected therefore it’s public. Nothing is truly private on or over the internet and you have no expectation of privacy in public. Choose to put a Wi-Fi Weiner in and broadcast that signal and you accept that people will tune in. Enjoy the show or use an old school battery operated boyfriend with no Wi-Fi.

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