ISIS fighter is executed for spreading AIDS – IOTW Report

ISIS fighter is executed for spreading AIDS

Indonesian donated blood to fellow fighters despite knowing he had Aids.

  • A 30-year-old Egyptian jihadi was given the blood and became infected
  • He unknowingly passed the illness on to his young sex slave and the illness subsequently spread to two Saudi fighters who raped her
  • An investigation into how far the illness has spread was later shut down when it emerged that a senior ISIS commander had also raped the woman More

20 Comments on ISIS fighter is executed for spreading AIDS

  1. Karma is a bitch. I’m surprised the poor sex slave wasn’t beheaded, also. What a freaking bunch of numbnuts. I hope it spreads faster than the horror they have spewed on so many innocents.

  2. They pulled them. No explanation. The Instagram crowd is celebrating a victory. Me, I’m going, This was alright in the first place? I’ve sold product before on Amazon. Never again. A Fart in a wind storm. But it’s my fart. Fuck them.

  3. tell me why the usa gets beat up about slavery which was ended in the country a 150 years ago, and not a word about slavery that still exist in the middle east?

    the black population and liberals in this country can go pound sand before I listen to anymore bs white guilt or privilege talk.

  4. The plague prayer I lob up regularly against ISIS has been answered again. How encouraging! I’ll throw in a leprosy request against this demonic horde after I hit “submit.”

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