Israel Seizes UNRWA Compound in Jerusalem – IOTW Report

Israel Seizes UNRWA Compound in Jerusalem

Jewish Press

The Israel Land Authority on Thursday announced the takeover of the headquarters in Jerusalem of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which will be replaced with 1,440 housing units.

The 8.89-acre UNRWA compound in the Ma’alot Dafna neighborhood of Jerusalem has been declared illegal following an inquiry by Minister of Construction and Housing Yitzhak Goldknopf to the CEO of the land authority and the prime minister’s office. It turns out the UN agency owes more than $7 million in rent for the space. More

5 Comments on Israel Seizes UNRWA Compound in Jerusalem

  1. The Israelis know what it takes to survive. Make your enemies get lost one way or another. We could take a cue from Israel and kick the UN out of the US and stop funding it.

    I’m not Jewish, but I recognize the sick hatred directed towards them for a couple thousand years now. God, please let these people be free of hatred and let them live and thrive in peace.


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