Israeli Airstrike Took Out Hamas 3rd-in-Command – IOTW Report

Israeli Airstrike Took Out Hamas 3rd-in-Command


On Monday, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan confirmed that an Israeli airstrike in Gaza last week killed senior Hamas commander Marwan Issa.

Issa was the third-ranking member of Hamas, serving as the deputy head of Hamas’s military wing, and is said to have been one of the masterminds of the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

“Hamas’s number three, Marwan Issa, was killed in an Israeli operation last week,” Sullivan said during a White House press briefing. More

17 Comments on Israeli Airstrike Took Out Hamas 3rd-in-Command

  1. Curious on their sources of Ham-ass order of battle. Philisophically, if you kill amy one cockroach, how can you tell which one? Does one really matter more than the others? Can’t help but think even the thuggiest of gangs has a succession plan.

    Suggest, cordon off Gaza. Absolutely no food, aid, or fuel in. ALL occupants who wany food or water, or care about their children can strip and march out through control points. Give it say 4 days. Then the whole area is a weapons free area. “If it moves, shoot it. If it doesn’t, paint it.”

    The Arabs need to understand that they didn’t just fail to eradicate Israel, but that they were defeated in the effort.

  2. “…said to have been one of the masterminds of the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.”

    …how much “masterminding” does ordering feral thugs to rape and murder unarmed civilians in suburban homes TAKE?

    …honestly, I think “evilminding” it is more apropo to what this recently relocated-to-hell did, let’s not glorify his evil maunderings by turning absolute barbarism into genius, he’s been blown to hell in small chunks, let his reputation receive the same…

  3. All moslems are the enemy of all non moslems and, of all other moslems whose beliefs do not exactly align. This means all moslems are representatively Ishmael, and they are temporally ideologically directly aligned with the left in the west.

    It is wonderful news that this high function Moslem has been eliminated, may a very great many more be rapidly dispatched on a continuing basis.


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