Italy: Chinese Nationals Arrested for Using Illegal Migrant Slave Labor – IOTW Report

Italy: Chinese Nationals Arrested for Using Illegal Migrant Slave Labor

Breitbart: Italian authorities have arrested thirteen Chinese nationals who they say were using illegal migrants in slave-like conditions for a business making medical masks.

The Chinese “entrepreneurs” were taken into custody by the Guardia di Finanza in the city of Prato in Tuscany. Police also seized hundreds of thousands of medical masks which were being sold to Tuscan government authorities and handed out free to the public.

At least 90 workers making the masks were found to not have work permits or residency permits and many of the workers in one factory were forced by a Chinese man to work shifts of up to 16 hours a day with no days off and given just ten to fifteen minutes for breaks in which to eat, L’Arno reports.

According to investigations, the workspaces had also been set up as accommodation for the migrants working in them, with one man forced to sleep in one of the toilets of the worksite.

5 Comments on Italy: Chinese Nationals Arrested for Using Illegal Migrant Slave Labor

  1. “Chinese Nationals Arrested for Using Illegal Migrant Slave Labor”

    As opposed to Legal Migrant Slave Labor?

    Fukkin wops! Sorry … silly Italians …

    izlamo delenda est …

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