Italy joins France in requiring COVID-19 vaccination for services – IOTW Report

Italy joins France in requiring COVID-19 vaccination for services


The Italian government, looking to contain a fresh surge in coronavirus cases, announced on Thursday that people would need to have proof of immunity to access an array of services and leisure activities.

The COVID Green Pass is a digital or paper certificate that shows if someone has received at least one jab, has tested negative or has recently recovered from COVID-19.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza told reporters that it would be required in many situations, including to enter sports stadiums, gyms, museums and trade fairs. It would also be needed to be able to eat indoors in restaurants.

Hundreds of people protested in Paris on Wednesday against the introduction of a health pass for some activities and against compulsory vaccinations for health workers as the government seeks to curb a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections in France.

From Wednesday visitors heading to museums, cinemas or swimming pools in France will be denied entry if they cannot produce the health pass showing that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have had a recent negative test.

Some of the protesters waved banners that read “Freedom to choose” and “Hands off my natural immunity!”

“They want to force us to be vaccinated at any price. No, no, no,” Nathalie Labedade, a care home worker, told Reuters.

The health pass, previously only required for large-scale festivals or to go clubbing, will also be needed from the start of August to enter restaurants and bars and for long-distance train and plane journeys.

At the Louvre museum in Paris, the head of security, Servane de Landsheer, said the first morning of health pass checks had gone well, with most visitors having the document and those who did not agreeing to get a quick COVID test.

“I was really angry… I had no idea,” said Nelly Breton, 51, after being turned away from the Louvre as not enough time had elapsed since her vaccination for her pass to become valid.

“But then I calmed down and understood there were health reasons,” she said, adding that she would now look for a pharmacy to get a rapid COVID test.


7 Comments on Italy joins France in requiring COVID-19 vaccination for services

  1. This is classic socialism, but the socialists in the U.S. will say Italy and France aren’t doing socialism the right way, they would do it better.
    Realize no one has ever done socialism the right way, there is no “right” way to do socialism without starving, hurting or killing citizens. note see: Cuba

  2. Monkey see; Monkey do.

    Two shitholes following each other into Civil War.
    The Frogs and the Wops are only going to take so much – History has proven them to be stiff-necked when pushed.

    izlamo delenda est …


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