Italy Must Love Its New DIVERSITY!! – IOTW Report

Italy Must Love Its New DIVERSITY!!


Muslim washes his ass at a public drinking fountain. Allah only knows where he took his crap.

These people are animals. Sorry. Don’t really want them coming to any city near me. Call me an Islamophobe, a racist, whatever it is you think is going to make me feel bad. When you’re done I will repeat, “these people are animals, I don’t want them in the United States.”


ht/ nm


39 Comments on Italy Must Love Its New DIVERSITY!!

  1. Is the picture a reversed mirror image? He’s watering his nasty bits with his right hand. Not his left hand.
    I thought there was some islamo commandment to only use the left hand for that sort of thing.
    otoh, maybe he can’t tell the difference between his ass and his face. They do get everything else ass-backwards.

  2. Cut off all welfare NOW! March those worthless, illiterate, inbred, Satan worshipers down to the southern coast and tell them to GTFO. They contribute virtually nothing to the economy and are a blight to society. They do not hide their plan to destroy Italy from within. Send the worthless assholes back to their 3rd world shit holes. Every nation that turns on God is filled up with muslims. Italians better get their shit together before it’s too late.

  3. You know, as a GI I spent three and one half years in Northern Italy. The most beautiful people in the world. OK there were a few communist assholes in the mix, but the vast majority were simply beautiful people. I married one.
    I cannot imagine Italians putting up with this shit. But then again, what do we have here ? Mayors inviting illegals to their sanctuary cities. Something went wrong in Italy, France, Germany , Sweden, England, and now the socialists in America want to bring it here. Picata, vergonia.

  4. I spent the formidable years of my life believing that most people were smarter than me.

    It’s only been in the last 15 or so years that I started paying attention to politics and I have concluded that listening to and hearing from liberals….I am likely in the upper tier of intelligence on this planet.

  5. Absolute mindless primitives.

    @Mendermand and Viet Vet, I didn’t know the video was debunked as far as it being a Trump protestor. One thing we know for sure is that is no conservative and most definitely a bat crap crazy leftie.

  6. Thanks Vietvet. I suspected it was a fake, there is no way it takes the typical US lib that long to pinch one off.

    But, hey, like that MSM dude said: “the evidence may be fake, but the story is true!”

    Was that Ted Koppel? Brian Williams? Katie Curic? Richard Madcow? I get all those fake news sites confused.

  7. #EugeniaHD: It’s not even in the U.S., and they know who did it and when (2012):

    “The video shows performance artist Rocío Boliver during a 2012 protest in Mexico City, when many people took to the streets to denounce the election of Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico’s current president. In the clip, Boliver squats over a placard, poops on it, then uses her hands to smear it on.”

  8. They never heard of a private bathroom, never heard of toilet paper, never heard of basic hygiene, never heard of taking a dump/piss in a private space.
    And then they tell their women to totally burka-up, so they can be modest?

    Some animals in the wild are more civilized than these barbarians.

  9. You know, there were thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of Muslims in this country 30-40 years ago and we didn’t have any problem. Not a peep out of ’em. I’m starting to think it’s only when they reach critical mass like U-235 or something.

  10. Well, at least he washes his ass – unlike the OWS, #BL(ies)Matter, DNC, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Libertarians, Greens, CPUSA, Democratic Socialists, and Social Demonrats.

    izlamo delenda est …

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