8 Comments on IT’S A MIRACLE! Lois Lerner Emails Reappear
About damn time. Now indict this bitch.
What a surprise!
BUT… when the 0bama Administration’s Department of Just UsĀ®, nominally the law enforcement branch of the United States Government [cue laugh track], is part of the conspiracy, who prosecutes this mess?
Hey! I know. Maybe the United States Congress, nominally a co-equal branch of the United States Government [cue laugh track], calls for a Special Prosecutor or uses their investigate power to bring these corrupt fu*ks to justice!
One has to wonder if the whole Republicuck [sic] reluctance to pursue this, outside of some Tea Party “wacko bird” types, means that somewhere deep in the bowels of this whole sordid conspiracy are the names Boehner and McConnell. After all, in the GOP establishment, lives the same hatred of conservatism as there exists on the Left, especially “fiscal conservatives”.
Ted Cruz is right. It is the Washington Cartel.
While the president, IRS, Inspector Genera, the Dept. of Justice and the media lie, destroy and cover up —Lerner is laughing all the way to the bank depositing her healthy government retirement check.
And Congress? They are ineffective and leaderless, thanks boehner, thanks mcCONnell (not wanting to put light upon the political hiring practices and political corruption of the IRS and other federal agencies).
Hey Obama, you jackass.
Doesn’t THIS represent a smidgen of corruption?
This revelation means nothing if none of the perpetrators of the crime are not punished by fines and imprisonment.
Lerner, Koskinen both need to go to jail. And both of their fat juicy Gummint pensions stripped from them.
Koskinen reminds me of that troll in the Hobbit movies. “where’s the precious….”
And therein lies the rub Jack. Who is going to indict her in this Justice Department under this President??
I give it pretty good odds Lois gets a Presidential Pardon when Barry exits Stage left…
About damn time. Now indict this bitch.
What a surprise!
BUT… when the 0bama Administration’s Department of Just UsĀ®, nominally the law enforcement branch of the United States Government [cue laugh track], is part of the conspiracy, who prosecutes this mess?
Hey! I know. Maybe the United States Congress, nominally a co-equal branch of the United States Government [cue laugh track], calls for a Special Prosecutor or uses their investigate power to bring these corrupt fu*ks to justice!
One has to wonder if the whole Republicuck [sic] reluctance to pursue this, outside of some Tea Party “wacko bird” types, means that somewhere deep in the bowels of this whole sordid conspiracy are the names Boehner and McConnell. After all, in the GOP establishment, lives the same hatred of conservatism as there exists on the Left, especially “fiscal conservatives”.
Ted Cruz is right. It is the Washington Cartel.
While the president, IRS, Inspector Genera, the Dept. of Justice and the media lie, destroy and cover up —Lerner is laughing all the way to the bank depositing her healthy government retirement check.
And Congress? They are ineffective and leaderless, thanks boehner, thanks mcCONnell (not wanting to put light upon the political hiring practices and political corruption of the IRS and other federal agencies).
Hey Obama, you jackass.
Doesn’t THIS represent a smidgen of corruption?
This revelation means nothing if none of the perpetrators of the crime are not punished by fines and imprisonment.
Lerner, Koskinen both need to go to jail. And both of their fat juicy Gummint pensions stripped from them.
Koskinen reminds me of that troll in the Hobbit movies. “where’s the precious….”
And therein lies the rub Jack. Who is going to indict her in this Justice Department under this President??
I give it pretty good odds Lois gets a Presidential Pardon when Barry exits Stage left…