It’s Friday Night – You Need a Date? – IOTW Report

It’s Friday Night – You Need a Date?

How about the Sippy Cup Free Speech Activist?


49 Comments on It’s Friday Night – You Need a Date?

  1. If I was into the rape culture, holding the feminist down, holding the minority down….that pose, those photos….I mean c’mon….wow….that there would push me into joining the French Foreign Legion….

  2. Under “The first things people usually notice about me” her first item is

    That I’m a fat babe, duh.

    Wrong. That should be

    That I’m fat and ugly, duh.

    Repeat after me:

  3. She had hair on her legs
    Like bristles on a hog.
    She had pimples right up to her chin.
    But a little bit of time.
    And a whole lotta whiskey,l
    And I drank her right up to a ten.

    Ah the good olde days.

  4. Take pleasure in knowing what true misery this pathetic, horny, lonely slob is living in.

    Despite all its public display of obvious mental illness, it really just boils down to being lonely, ugly, fat, and very horny.

  5. I showed “Snooty the Manatee” her photo, Now I have to clean his tank with a pool leaf net… since. he barfed up all the romaine lettuce that he had for dinner.. talk about cruelty to animals.

  6. “Cisheteropatriarchy”

    What? She couldn’t figure out haw to toss in “Caucasian” to her new SJW word??

    and BTW, the world does not contain enough whiskey for me even consider getting naked near that thing!

  7. If I were the last man on Earth, and she were the last woman, I can guarantee you that the human race would come to a grinding halt.

    She spends a lot of time thinking about “checking (her) privilege.” Wow, what a fun date she’d be.

  8. Looks don’t matter if you’ve got a terrific personality. Reading her bio, I find no signs whatsoever of a terrific personality. So if sex is really important to her, she’d better contact Jenny Craig. STAT!

  9. She actually makes a pretty good living as an AC/DC mascot at their live shows.

    Wanna tell you story
    About woman I know
    When it comes to lovin’
    She steals the show
    She ain’t exactly pretty
    Ain’t exactly small
    Fourt’two thirt’nine fiftysix
    You could say she’s got it all

  10. Hitting “Post Comment” after typing my comments is almost like a Zen thing with, you know, the entire page and my new comment jumping up and down like 50 bazillion times before it finally settles down after its grand mal seizure.

  11. Notce all the shit she writes about herself. Not only is she obese she’s obese in self-regard too.

    I’ve noticed this about self described liberal women on dating sites

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