“It’s Not Safe To Go Back” – IOTW Report

“It’s Not Safe To Go Back”

Campus Craziness.

Tucker Carlson Follows Up With Evergreen Prof Bret Weinstein and then Tucker takes on a critic of free speech bill.


10 Comments on “It’s Not Safe To Go Back”

  1. Iowntheworld linked to a long article last time on this Evergreen University. They have no science, math, business courses. It is all women’s studies and victim studies all the time. They don’t even have regular classes.

    If this guy works there he is part of the problem already. This issue is a joke if it involves that “institution.”

  2. The best result of this Evergreen debacle is that it shines a light on how worthless a degree from this (and most) institution(s) of “higher learning” really is. Purely a vehicle for anti-american indoctrination and breeding marxist revolutionaries. Evergreen is the tip of the iceberg. In any normal state it would be decommissioned and the buildings sold.

  3. Amazing how the Bible has an answer for everything.

    Job 4:8
    “According to what I have seen, those who plow iniquity And those who sow trouble harvest it.

    Galatians 6:7
    Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

    Hosea 10:13
    But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception. Because you have depended on your own strength and on your many warriors.

  4. In all fairness, Evergreen does have a superb woodworking program. I took a one day workshop there, and was impressed by the quality of the tools in the shop, and the knowledge if the teacher. Having said that, I felt like I was behind the Iron Curtain just being on campus

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