It’s Now Legal To Poop On Portland – IOTW Report

It’s Now Legal To Poop On Portland

Summit News

A post featured on the r/Portland Reddit thread claimed that police said it was legal for the homeless to defecate in public after shocked onlookers saw a man with his butt in the air “depositing a 6-8″ turd onto the sidewalk.”

Yes, really.

Titled ‘Is it really legal to take a dump on the sidewalk?’ – the Reddit user explains in the post how he was on his way to lunch when he noticed a group of people pointing and staring in the same direction. “There was a homeless person bent at the waist, pants down, ass in the air, depositing a 6-8″ turd onto the sidewalk,” he writes.

“One onlooker went across the street to tell 2 police officers, and she came back and said “The cops say it’s legal.” After my lunch, the turd was still there with shoe prints in it, tracking it down the sidewalk.” More

31 Comments on It’s Now Legal To Poop On Portland

  1. Curb your humans and not just the dogs. Always carry a poop bag with you when you crap on the sidewalk, and please dispose of it properly like that’s going to really happen. Remind me to avoid Portland like the plague which my be the next thing to plague Portland. And I thought it was nuts when I lived there from 1971-72.

  2. Legal? Hell it should be MANDATORY, maybe then the taxpayer/property owners will clean out the infestation that is the city council and Mayor who allow this insanity to continue.

  3. I listen to John and Ken on KFI (Los Angeles) most of the week. They have a daily thing where they have listeners call up and describe their run-ins with homeless vagrants.
    One woman has a dance studio (I forget where) and she’s had problems with them accosting her clients, loitering and ‘littering’ in front of her door. She couldn’t get any help from police, so she put up a sign that stated NO LOITERING, NOT A PUBLIC RESTROOM type of thing.
    Well, the next day, she saw that someone had taken down her sign, shit on it, and put it back up.
    So, that particular vagrant was able to read. Good for him.

    For those idiots saying that these homeless people are mom and pop and 2 kids plus a dog living on the street…Well, you’re idiots. According to LA’s own data, It’s primarily drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals and people with mental problems which a lot of times results from the previous 3. Also, quite a few are illegals are among them. How could they not be?

  4. After all of the crap thrown at Trump, from the scourge known as the left, at the beginning of this year I used to think “I can’t imagine what the US will be like in 15 more years.” I’ve now narrowed it down to five.

  5. Portland’s Mayor Wheeler is so embarrassed. His dream is to turn Portland into a third world shit hole and he doesn’t seem to be able to do so faster than Seattle or San Fancrisco. How humiliating.

  6. To watch this unfold for the last few decades from 130 miles to the north is satisfying. The smug motherfuckers deserve every bit of ridicule they are getting and more. Seattle too.

  7. The city could use this to their advantage. Feed the homeless a high fiber diet infused with large amounts of brightly colored dye. Give them a laxitive and $20 and send them to a designated location. Follow the colored poop! We do similar at our zoo but with painted animal tracks. Genius!😀

  8. One time, long, long ago some genius figured out
    that if people who lived together buried or
    carried away their shit they didn’t get as sick or
    die as young.
    Even the French got in on the game and built
    the huge sewer systems under Paris.
    Now, under blessed socialism, we are going back to
    Medieval health standards and burying ourselves back
    in the shit.
    The Left has me rooting for the plagues to return
    and give these baby killers a taste of the reality
    they are creating.
    Where in the hell are the public health watchdogs?

  9. If the city is responsible for public health, and if dog poop must be removed, then I think the good people of Portland – assuming there are any- have grounds for a lawsuit. Doesn’t the State have an interest in maintaining public health and safety?

  10. Gotta love the freedom liberals are willing to grant while they take all your rights away. Want a gun, plastic bag or a straw forget it. Meat consumption needs to be restricted. Your AC can’t be set to a comfortable temp. But hey you want to take a crap on the street, smoke your bong or shoot up have at it whereever your heart desires.

  11. If I were a conservative living there I’d sue the city to force a tax increase to hire staff to cleanup the crap. Force the city to raise taxes every time their leftist insanity causes this sort of a situation. It won’t be long before the progs that voted them in and actually start to feel it in their wallets that they change their point of view or leave.


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