It’s Official: Trump Will Appoint a Rapist to the SCOTUS – IOTW Report

It’s Official: Trump Will Appoint a Rapist to the SCOTUS


This is incredibly difficult for me to do but I feel that it’s necessary to come forward and expose the type of person that Trump will select for the Supreme Court of the great country.

I was raped by whoever Trump selects to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the Supreme Court.

It was in the 1990s and the details are a little fuzzy. We were at a party and I distinctly remember this person coming on to me and rubbing up against me.

I told this person I wasn’t interested but whoever it was persisted and when we were alone forced himself or herself on me, pulling off my clothes and penetrating me while I constantly said, “No!”

I haven’t come forward yet because I was ashamed and afraid. This person is clearly very powerful, but now that this person is being considered for the Supreme Court, I think it’s necessary to let people know who they’re dealing with, especially after Trump picked a literal serial killer last time…


21 Comments on It’s Official: Trump Will Appoint a Rapist to the SCOTUS

  1. (Sniff!)… I just wanted to say that I too was raped by whoever Trump nominates for SCOTUS next week. I never said anything about it until now because of my intense fear of whoever it is Trump will be nominating next week… (sob!)

  2. BB, tried your line on the lovely little missus. She thought about that for a few seconds then philosophically said, “well, as long as she’s of sound mind I don’t suppose there’s any reason they can’t have a blind woman on the Supreme Court.”

  3. If it’s Amy Coney Barrett, it’s going to be quite a bizarre spectacle to see what the smear will be.

    I spent today listening to three YT videos that are well worth the time to anyone interested in her background and also bringing yourself back to the reality of how really vile the Senate Communist Democrats are.

    We should have a contest here at IOTWReport about what the possible smear(s) will be. The Destruction of Persons Politics will be on full Eleventy in the coming confirmation hearings. Schumer just said that everything will be on the table. Staffers are probably into their 9th box of Starbucks Espresso Blend, with Red Bull chasers, right about now.

    A Conversation with Judge Amy Coney Barrett ’97 J.D. (Full Interview)

    Hesburgh Lecture 2016: Professor Amy Barrett at the JU Public Policy Institute

    Supreme Revenge (full film) | FRONTLINE

    I was very surprised by the Frontline film. No one tried to soft soap or make a stab at justifying the Commie Dem’s breathtaking attempted axe murder of both Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh on prime time television. It’s well worth a review in case you thought any of Trump’s nominees would sail on through the hearings.

    It’s time to gird our loins once again for another installment of “The Hunt for Pornographic Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs to Describe One of America’s Most Celebrated Legal Minds and Catholic Mother of Seven.”

  4. Whoever Trump nominates will have midnight riots on their front lawn, be followed and harassed throughout the day, and subjected to uniformly hostile media coverage. Who needs that?

  5. Barbara Lagoa from a family of Cuban immigrants is now federal judge
    She was the attorney for the family of Elián González.

    This is the Trumpster’s play. No question

  6. Has anyone heard how much the Dems are paying to make up….I mean recount the horrific things done to one’s self and to debase one’s self and make one’s self look like a crazy, insane whack job to try to stop Trump’s nominee?

  7. Speaking of RBG has anyone else heard about enough of the fawning over her nonstop the last few days? When Scalia died it was a mix of criticism, and praise by others but most importantly it was brief. The old biddy wasn’t the constitutional paragon they’re claiming just a flaky old lady with peculiar ideas.
    Enough about her, can we move on?

  8. For the women they will go for the treatment of the children, being religious zelots, decisions made from the bench/laws voted on. Oh and too much time in front of the make-up mirror!

  9. Before it starts I always like to ask the question: How committed and dedicated do you have to be to agree to be nominated to these positions? It amazes me that anyone (except libtards like Biden who think they’re on a mission from GAWD) would place themselves in such harms way.

    I mean I was in the service and I was shot at and all but I’d rather do that again then willingly face the smug holier than thou Chuckie S. in a Senate hearing.

    God Bless whoever it will be and God Bless America to still have such people.

    Yes I am way sick of notorious RBG already — can’t she join John Brown and “smoulder” in the grave already?

  10. @gin blossom – they used to call it an idiot box because of what it did to people who watched it. now, I firmly believe it can still be called that because of the people who are on it.

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