it’s this guy – IOTW Report

it’s this guy


John Deacon, bass guitarist for Queen (on left)

24 Comments on it’s this guy

  1. I don’t feel old until I try to get out of bed, look in the mirror, do work in the garden, paint the house or read all the unsolicited junk mail about aarp and medicare.
    It’s all about pacing oneself anymore.

    As my dear Mother (may God rest her Soul) said when she turned 80 and blew out the candles, “Golden Years, my ass!”

  2. I couldn’t afford mine either but said screw it and put the ticket and the hotel on Visa.

    I have hardly any lines on my face and people consistently mistake me for 10-15 years younger than I am. I just can’t wait to walk in there and see all the cool girls of yore dried up like prunes, or, worse, hiding it under makeup that was obviously applied with a spackling tool.

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