It’s with great sadness I report the passing of Stella – IOTW Report

It’s with great sadness I report the passing of Stella

On a certain level I know the dogs I paint. This is very sad, and my condolences go out to the parents of Stella.


38 Comments on It’s with great sadness I report the passing of Stella

  1. To Stella’s family: Condolences to you. Tough to lose a pet. A pretty dog and a pretty painting to remember her by! May your current pain soften into fond memories of Stella.

  2. I recently saw this beautiful sentiment:

    “It came to me that every time I lose a dog, they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life,, gifts me a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and as loving as they are.”

    Indeed, we should all live so long.

    Condolences to Stella’s doggy parents.

  3. Yes. Very good catch, and I thought of Wilbur while painting Stella.

    Imagine going to the golf course on a misty Tuesday morning. Not a soul around. You get out of your car and Wilbur runs up and “asks” you if you’re playing.
    “Just the back nine.”
    You pay and he’s waiting.
    He walks the entire back nine with you, running ahead to scare the geese.
    Running back for some granola bar. Golf never got better than that. I don’t think it can.
    Wilbur’s owner, Dan, passed this year as well.
    The times, they keep a changin’.

    As Moe Tom said, Wilbur looked just like Stella, only all black.
    I’d like to think they are getting to know one another right now.

  4. Godspeed Stella. I know you’re in a giant gorgeous park with unlimited toys and treats and other buddies to play with. And to Stella’s Parents, take solace in knowing your beautiful Dog is in a beautiful place full of happiness. You will meet again.

  5. It is such a heartbreak to lose our family pets; I am so sorry for your loss. Stella looks like a smart, wonderful girl! A BFH portrait is a treasure to enjoy forever!

  6. Oh, I remember this portrait of Stella! What a beautiful girl. While it sounds like she lived to a ripe old age – it is still so very, very sad when they leave us. My deepest condolences to Stella’s family. From the looks of it – she was well-loved and that’s what every dog wants.

  7. Please accept our sympathy – We share your grief at the loss of a beloved friend. I hope that you also find comfort in the beautiful painting that you have – BFH has done a fine tribute to a beautiful and magnificent dog with his painting of Stella. Find comfort too in so many kind comments from people who love dogs on this site. There are some very decent & compassionate hearts that congregate here – Good people; good dogs. We understand your sorrow and offer kind words hoping some small comfort will help.

  8. Such a Noble looking canine. Stella had to be a dedicated companion. My deepest condolences to the family. I think it was Will Rogers who said, “If they don’t let dogs in heaven, I want to go where they went.”

  9. I had a great Dane mix that had similar markings. He was a big happy pushover. He died at age nine from stomach issues. He was my wing man. If I went fishing without him, I could hear him whining from a half a mile away. If I took him with me, he’d get sea sick (in the bay) but he didn’t care. The night he died, I lied down next to him on the living room carpet, and then he was gone.

  10. RIP sweet Stella. My heartfelt condolences to Stella’s family. It is so hard to let them go, because they bring so much joy to our lives. Stella is now happily playing across the Rainbow Bridge until it is time to be reunited with her family.

  11. My condolences to the family. We just lost our 5 year old beagle to prostate cancer 2 months ago, the one that replaced our German Shepard. It always saddens me to hear of a family losing a good dog.

  12. BFH,
    I started to pen several thank you’s to the wonderful IOTW commenters but couldn’t come up with the right words. Please let them know I sincerely appreciate them.
    -Stella’s Family

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