This is sickening. They are forcing J6 political prisoners to undergo “reeducation” that teaches them Trump is a threat to Democracy.
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) September 9, 2024
This is like Soviet era gulag.
14 Comments on J6 Prisoners Reeducated With Anti-Trump Program
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Not real surprising, I’m just curious if Americans are ever going to get a backbone and start ridding ourselves of the communists?
I think this proves that J6 prisoners are political prisoners.
“I think this proves that J6 prisoners are political prisoners.”
Absolutely and they’re using them to perfect the mind control process they plan on using on the rest of us. Our federal government is now much worse than the Vietcong.
You will be assimilated.
Why would anyone be surprised…the Dems are just communists hiding behind another name. And brainwashing/indoctrination is a major platform the communists have always engaged in….right before they KILL YOU.
OT Sort of
This November… do your part
Protect the Animals
Reeducation. But did it work?
How very communist of the DC gulag.
This is an experiment by the swamp to see if they can break these people like in the old Soviet Union.
@ Different Tim Monday, 9 September 2024, 22:53 at 10:53 pm,
We will but not so much the muzzies and various rat people invaders….
Next up is the Ludovico Technique. Sponsored by Pfizer.
Does anyone still think Trump won’t need an army?
try your ****** re-edu shit with me, dindus
If anyone were to kill either my dog or my cat, they’re gonna wish that they never did, I already lost one female golden retriever to some asshole who was deliberately poisoning dogs by throwing hamburger laced with strychynine into people’s back yards years ago. So far, we haven’t received any Haitians in our area yet and as far as I am concerned, they can all stay in their own shithole and not migrate here.
the prosecutors should be the prisoners, for life, no chance of parole.