J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing – IOTW Report

J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing

A January 6er stole the show during Dr. Anthony Fauci’s House Select Subcommittee hearing on Monday.

Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), was testifying about the origins of COVID, lockdown measures, and misleading medical advice.

Fauci, who has been widely criticized for his role in advocating for draconian lockdowns, unnecessary masking, social distancing mandates, and for spreading false information about the ‘Wuhan lab leak’ theory, was met with hostility from audience members.

Shouts of “Nuremberg 2.0” and “You killed my grandmother” echoed through the room as Fauci took his seat, according to Dr. Andrew Huff, a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, an Army veteran, and the author of “The Truth about Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History” from Simon & Schuster.

9 Comments on J6er Who was Sentenced to Three Years in Prison Steals the Show During Fauci Hearing

  1. You dont like death threats, Fauci?

    Maybe dont spend 40 years killing people with your sadistic experiments, and you wont DESERVE them.

    Go ahead though, try to hire guns to protect you. You cant keep it up forever.

    One day, one of the people whose dearest you murdered will get to you. And it doesnt have to be a gun. Your next bite of food, your next sip of wine, the next breath of air you take in a place where the inlets are known…the next person who bumps into you, the next vehicle you sit in, who knows, may be your last…there are consequences for poisioning people all over the world, after all, in that people all over the world may repay the favor; think you on that the next time your clothes come back from a cleaner whose child may be dead of a heart attack you gave them, the next maid turning down your bed whose mother you left drowning in her own fluids…sleep well you bastard, but sleep light, lest you find yourself awakening in hell as a result of your own evil…a date you surely have anyway, but if theres any justice you will be awake and aware of whatever sends you to the devil, and that you feel every moment of it and know that it was one whose loved one you maimed or killed.

    It is but a shame you cant die painfully for each person yo7 murdered painfully, Mr. Fauci, but a coward such as you dies many times where a brave man dies only once, the death of fear of the death he deserves looming in every shadow…I hope it tortures you to madness until you truly get what you have earned, and earned millions of times over.

    “O, that the slave had forty thousand lives! One is too poor, too weak for my revenge.”
    -Shakespeare, “Othello”, Act III, Scene 3.

    You may escape true justice for a season, murderman.

    But not forever.

    May you never have a moments peace ever again.

    May the fear in your diminutive breast make that impossible.

  2. Yada yada. Question, what is “Gain of Function”? How does that benefit the human race. In my retarded opinion, this is where the “Law Makers” on our side should have taken this questioning. It’s dead bang guilty of crimes against humanity.

  3. I think part of the problem is this 5 minutes per person limit. Something like this deserves an organized plan and effort to more or less cross examine him, really put him on the spot! If you give every congress person 5 minutes they will undoubtedly try their hardest to generate a couple good sound bites for the next re-election campaign. It should have been easy to have buried Fauci today.

  4. Bottom Line, Gain of Function is an attractive name for releasing diseases that normally only occur in certain animal species into and onto the human population. Again, where’s the benefit to man kind.
    These people should be tracked down and executed.

  5. Well if Fauci is at fault his boss is totally at fault too, even more so for not double checking on the/his thats right all together now “Fast Track” of the vaccines. There is only ONE person responsible here, the idiot at the top!


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