Jack Smith accidentally tells the truth about that J6 ‘insurrection’ – IOTW Report

Jack Smith accidentally tells the truth about that J6 ‘insurrection’

New Jack Smith report reveals why Smith didn’t charge Donald Trump with insurrection: Because January 6 was not an insurrection. Or at least Smith was not confident he could convince even a deep-blue DC jury that it was. And whatever it was, he could not prove Trump incited it. – STORY

12 Comments on Jack Smith accidentally tells the truth about that J6 ‘insurrection’

  1. Then Smith should be tried for every crime he’s admitting he committed.

    Wrongful prosecution.
    Deprivation of rights under color of law.
    Abuse of his office.
    Violation of his oath.
    AND being a full-fledged shitweaselly twatwaffling shit-pickle-eating maggot.

    And upon conviction taken to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until dead, dead, dead.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. January 20 is not the end of the J6 debacle. These people committed crimes and need to be prosecuted for them. It’s not retribution as the cowering democRATz will no doubt try to paint it, it’s Justice under the LAW! Hold them to it and make it stick!


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