Jack Smith’s Prosecutorial Team Fired – IOTW Report

Jack Smith’s Prosecutorial Team Fired

abc news

The Justice Department is firing “over a dozen” officials who were part of former special counsel Jack Smith’s teams that prosecuted President Donald Trump, officials confirmed to ABC News Monday.

Acting Attorney General James McHenry transmitted letters to the officials informing them of their termination, officials said, that said given their part in the prosecutions they couldn’t be trusted in “faithfully implementing the president’s agenda.”

It’s not immediately clear the exact number of officials who were fired on Monday, but the move was largely expected after President Trump’s threats leading up to the 2024 election stating he planned to fire Smith “on day one.” More

9 Comments on Jack Smith’s Prosecutorial Team Fired

  1. The article states that these attorneys have civil servant protections, meaning they can sue the federal government to get their jobs back. If they do win their jobs back (probably including attorney fees and backpay) that means lawyers can persecute the political opponent of the current executive office holder yet not be fired when their side loses the next election. It boggles the mind the things this nation tolerates.

  2. Uncle Al

    Reports are air traffic into Gitmo are off the hook. He may already be there. Trump ain’t playing. I read Trump inc delivered over 50K sealed indictment about an hour after he was sworn in.


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