Jackson Withdraws Nomination For VA Secretary – IOTW Report

Jackson Withdraws Nomination For VA Secretary

Citing “false allegations” becoming a “distraction” for the administration, the president’s physician, Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson has withdrawn his name from consideration to head the Veterans Administration. Here

Dr. Jackson’s distinguished medical and military career Here

Dr. Jackson’s military awards Here

He wasn’t a bureaucrat, so the body politic had to reject him anyway it could.

10 Comments on Jackson Withdraws Nomination For VA Secretary

  1. “Ronny does a great job – genuine enthusiasm, poised under pressure, incredible work ethic and follow through. Ronny continues to inspire confidence with the care he provides to me, my family and my team. Continue to promote ahead of peers.” – Barky Obama 2016

  2. “Ronny does a great job – genuine enthusiasm, poised under pressure, incredible work ethic and follow through. Ronny continues to inspire confidence with the care he provides to me, my family and my team. Continue to promote ahead of peers.” – Barack Obama 2016

  3. “false allegations” becoming a “distraction”

    just another example of modern political discourse in the msm these days.

    if they cannot name the source then it must be fake news.

  4. Jackson will remain the president’s physician, but where does he go to retrieve his sterling reputation?

    Where’s the respect for our serving officers from members of the Senate? Did they give the rear admiral even a heads up that they had a number of unsubstantiated chargers brought but a bunch of anonymous individuals who were unwilling to stand by their own accusations. No, Tester found the nearest news camera available and put it all out into the public forum. Tester and any other senator who encouraged him to release these unproven allegations don’t deserve the trust of the voters to represent them.

  5. The biggest problem with the admiral, he was not sleazy enough or spineless enough to be able to treat to them as equals. He was always way above them on moral and spine issues.
    President Trump should reward him another star for all the unreasonable foolishness he’s headed tolerate from politicians, the only thing lower than politicians is whale droppings on the ocean floor!

  6. The left – naming names: Lindsey, John + CNN – destroyed another Don man. For no reason other than Don. Sure they lied -John has told nothing but lies since the Navy; and probably many then!


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