Japanese Nationalist Kills Leading Japanese Socialist on Live TV – IOTW Report

Japanese Nationalist Kills Leading Japanese Socialist on Live TV


In 1960 the leader of the Japanese Socialist Party Inejiro Asanuma was participating in a debate for an upcoming election when 17 year old Otoya Yamaguchi rushed the stage and impaled him on a yoroidoshi sword, killing him almost instantly. Yamaguchi was a militant nationalist, arrested immediately after and eventually killed himself in prison. The assassination was broadcast repeatedly after the incident and the socialist party dissolved shortly after.

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25 Comments on Japanese Nationalist Kills Leading Japanese Socialist on Live TV

  1. I’ve also seen this many times before and with the vitriol out there, I am scared not only for my president, but my 78 year old dad walking around Florida in his MAGA hat.

  2. Brad, for a 78 year old, senior citizen, I agree. Enjoy your days, relax. Don’t start trouble. For those of us young guys I’m thinking we need to come out in the largest numbers we can, proudly wearing our MAGA hats and everything else we can display. We really do outnumber them. When the dirtbags are successful in intimidating us into what they view as acceptable behavior we are losing. I’m tired of this shit.

  3. Joe6

    You are right on the money. I have a couple Trump shirts. One I ripped the sleeves and neck out of for a lifting shirt. I wear it until I need to chase it down for a wash. My gym is 90%, or more, pro Trump. Including the damn Mexicans and Black people. LOL. I love them.

  4. The late Sylvia Browne, the crack(ed) psychic, said the militia groups would emerge in 2019 and begin “cleaning house” in Washington, DC.

    She said 2020 will be the last year of a Pope in the Catholic Church.

    She also claimed that Dick Van Dyke was NOT the Zodiac Killer.

  5. Well, with Japan being an Axis country just a very short time earlier, I shouldn’t wonder. I’d be a little upset if there was a real socialist party in Japan sprung up before the rubble from A-bombs had barely been cleared away and there were still people in the population with nuclear scars.

  6. Socialist: “…so you see, by not giving Amazon 3 billion in tax breaks, we now have 3 billion to pay for our fire figh….”

    Nationalist: “fffffFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!”

  7. Hey Joe. I finally got serious about the Keto diet. Walk in the park for me. I’m a meat guy. But here’s the biggest thing for me. You shed a lot of water. My aches and pains, arthritis, are disappearing quickly. Honestly, I’m ready to start wrestling again. Hear that MJA? Headed your way.

  8. Keto, I’ve read about it. Without making an effort to emphasize that I’m kind of on it without trying. You should be safe for a 24oz Kobe Ribeye, properly seared now. Sounds like dinner tomorrow. There are some non medicinal supplements that make a hell of a difference too for inflammation and arthritis. Stinking doctors can’t wait to write you a prescription. Doctors damn near killed my youngest brother in the last month with a completely unnecessary and invasive liver biopsy.

  9. Joe6

    The doctors almost killed my mother, and did kill my dad. They didn’t kill mom, but they cut a couple years off her life. I have ZERO trust in the medical profession, if that’s what you want to call it.

  10. The lesson here will be lost on the worthless, piece of shit, dumbfuck, moronic, dimwitted, did I already say piece of shit? Oh, well it was worth repeating – who criticize any LEO who shoots dead an aggressive belligerent knife wielding asshole who is within ten yards of any potential victim and not following his commands to the letter.

  11. The Japanese were saved from Soviet occupation by Gen. Douglas Macarthur
    who kept them out after the war.
    They had invaded (and still hold) the “Northern Territory” Japanese islands seized as war booty. The Soviets also kept thousands of Japanese troops prisoners in the gulag until long after the war. The Japanese had lots
    of reasons to hate the Soviet puppets.


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