JEB! did not win because he’s an anti-American idiot – IOTW Report

JEB! did not win because he’s an anti-American idiot

Jeb Bush: Americans Urging for Immigration Controls ‘Threatened’ by ‘Less White’ Country.


Failed 2016 presidential candidate and former Florida governor Jeb Bush says Americans who are urging for immigration controls are “threatened” by their perception that the United States is “changing” and becoming “less white.”

In a podcast interview with National Review Editor Nordlinger, Bush said immigration controls were “foolhardy” and that illegal alien crime gets too much attention compared to crimes committed by American citizens.

Bush said:

Our party is advocating restricting legal immigration as well. And I think that’s foolhardy beyond belief. There’s a way to reform the legal immigration system that would be a catalyst for sustained economic growth and we need it because our demography is going the wrong way. [Emphasis added]

There are quite a few people that have a larger megaphone if you will that seem either threatened by what they perceive to be a changing country that is less white perhaps … basically, there’s a concern that we’ve lost our way and immigrants are kind of easy to single out with vitriol. [Emphasis added]

There’s examples of cable news shows that talk about an illegal immigrant or a legal immigrant that commits an atrocious crime, murder, family loses their loved one and that seems to get a lot more attention than crime throughout America. [Emphasis added]

Since the late 1960’s, immigration to the U.S. has surged from some of the most impoverished and dangerous regions of the world, including Mexico, Central America, and the Middle East.

21 Comments on JEB! did not win because he’s an anti-American idiot

  1. CHEB! didn’t lose because he’s an anti-American idiot.
    He garnered a great deal of support – especially from Big Business – BECAUSE he’s an anti-American idiot.
    Since (at least) Carter (and maybe Ford to a lesser extent) we have been subverted by a Globaloney-ist cabal of Treasonous Fifth-Columnists in Gov’t (both elected and selected), the Media, and Academia.
    First gas lines, as I recall (with a much-diminished memory), were under Ford who caved to the Globaloney-ists to alleviate the suffering of the masses (odd/even and long lines – shootings and incipient violence).

    I have never doubted Ford’s patriotism – just his powers of perception.

    The later Globaloney-ists were Treasonous in the extreme, with malice aforethought – Carter, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and Obola – Reagan was a brief respite – and have worked tirelessly to destroy all that is good and beautiful, not just in the United States, but on Earth.

    CHEB! is just another in the long line of syphilitic stooges to blunder into prominence by dint of his father’s wealth and political connections (see Kennedy, Carnahan, Roosevelt, Rockefeller, Whitehouse, Udall, Romney, &c.) and should make every American ashamed.

    If CHEB! had any sense (the proof being in the pudding, so to speak) he’d shut the fuck up and enjoy the riches his father bequeathed him – leaving us to imagine him a fool, rather than offering proofs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yeb, you need to move to those sh!tholes and make things better for them there.
    Not try to make things better for them in the US.
    F’n politician. Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, administrate. Those who can’t administrate, become politicians.
    Yeb can’t manage to do anything.

  3. …by their perception that the United States is “changing” and becoming “less white.”

    Oh, so, it’s only a perception, implying it’s not really true so there’s nothing to worry about.

    The guy is a first class idiot. I don’t care if the illegals are all lily-white Brits. Shove their stupid asses into a cannon and shoot ’em outta here.

  4. Says the ‘I will not vote for Donald Trump’ LOSER that spent $150 million for 3 delegates. I’m sure he still has a couple thousand $75 guacamole bowls left over from 2016 for his next big flop.

  5. Restricting legal immigration? No, Jeb!, all they are doing is saying we should follow the long-established guidelines on who we allow to come here. No welfare cases allowed. Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about that, being born with that silver spoon up your ass and all.

  6. I was gonna say that Jeb! is the ‘Fredo Corleone’ of the Bush Crime Family but that is not entirely true.
    Yes, he IS weak and stupid ( as Michael charachterized Fredo in The Godfather II ) BUT Fredo had a hot wife ( Adrianna Hill ) in that movie.

    Don’t get me wrong.

    Ole Low-Energy has the weak and stupid down cold .

    Remember how he squandered $153 Million dollars to place 3rd in New Hampshire and then dropped like a rock in the polls before finally quitting the race ?

    He blew those crony-donor funds out his ass like a bean burrito with silly ads like ‘Election Night ‘ That commercial was supposed to scare people into thinking a borderline retarded mommas’ boy had a better shot at beating Hillary than Trump did.

    It didn’t. ..and then there was ” Please clap ! ” What a joke.

    I sura am glad the Republican base did not fall for the Dole/ McCain ‘it’s my turn’ candidate last time aruond.

    ….and not to gratutitously kick the dumbest Bush while he’s down but a while back , I saw a side by side of Melania and Jebs wife:..

    Looking at MelaniaI thought .” I wonder if she was a ‘supermodel ?

    seeing Jeb!s other half made me think too… I thought

    ” I wonder how long it took Jeb! to teach her to walk on her hind legs ?”

  7. Don’t forget the Feinsteins, Schiffs or Schumers , RebPirate.

    …For old times sake, we ought to bring back PUBLIC hangings. They wouldn’t lack for volunteers to put the noose around the necks of these treacherous criminals, that’s for sure.


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